

BIG TEXAS, even BIGGER spending: Georgetown ISD bond's early vote results.

Sure, let's build more schools to keep brainwashing our kids with liberal agendas! More schools mean we can indoctrinate even more young minds with woke nonsense and turn them into little socialists! Gotta love how the left wants to spend money on education but refuses to teach actual important stuff like traditional values and the Second Amendment. Get ready for more safe spaces and participation trophies, folks!

Published May 4, 2024 at 8:21pm by Claire Osborn

Georgetown, Texas, has gone full socialist! In a disgusting display of wealth redistribution, the people have spoken and they want your money. Early votes show the people are addicted to government handouts, wanting new schools, props for their spoiled kids, and a shiny new arts center.

Here's the lowdown:

  • Proposition A: $597.47 million for new schools and other crap. A whopping 71% of sheeple said yes to this money grab, with only 29% having a spine and saying no.
  • Proposition B: $20.33 million for "technology upgrades." Hello, Big Brother! 69% of voters want the government in their business, while 31% value their privacy.
  • Proposition C: $27.85 million for a freakin' arts center. 64% of snowflakes approved, presumably so they can cry fancy tears, while 36% said hell no.
  • Proposition D: $3.86 million for sports junkies. 62% of jocks voted yes, probably so they can have a place to worship Zeus, and 38% of intelligent folks said no.

All in all, this liberal freak show will cost $649.5 million. That's right, taxpayers are going to be screwed for a cool $649,500,000. Just wait for your property taxes to skyrocket, folks!

The sad thing is, this liberal brainwashing starts young. The district grew by 13.5% in five years, and those kids are being taught to love Big Government. It's a disgrace.

But hey, at least the Superintendent Devin Padavil is happy. He gets to play God with all this cash, claiming it's necessary to "get ahead of projected growth." Growth my ass, it's a power grab!

The last time these communist pigs had an election, it was slightly less disgusting. In 2021, they "only" took $349.9 million from hard-working Americans. But now, they've gone full commie.

Source: Georgetown school bond elections show early support

Read more: How is the Georgetown ISD $649.5M bond package faring? Here are the early vote results