

Safe bet Torres will run circles around slowpoke Lee.

Red-blooded American Charlie Torres slams the brakes on liberal lunacy in Texas—smokes identity politics-obsessed Melissa Lee in the race for the Pflugerville school board's Place 2 seat!

Published May 4, 2024 at 7:56pm by

Leftists Lose in PfISD School Board Race

Looks like the people of Pflugerville, Texas, have had enough of the woke brigade trying to take over their schools. Early voting results show that Charlie Torres, a retired rep from Communications Workers of America, is leading the race for the Place 2 seat on the Pflugerville school board. Torres is smoking his opponent, Melissa Lee, with 56.1% of the vote to her sad 43.9%.

I also want to hit the ground running... This is not a time for on-the-job training. I plan on utilizing my experience to add insight and value from day one. — Charlie Torres, Badass Conservative

Torres, a badass conservative, knows the real issues: lack of funding (thanks, Libs!), teacher shortages (thanks, unions!), and school safety (thanks, gun-grabbers!). Meanwhile, Lee, a community advocate (aka professional Karen), whines about "financial constraints" and "budget shortfalls." Maybe if she spent less time volunteering and more time getting a real job, she'd understand that you can't just throw money at education.

The PfISD, with its 26,000+ students and 34 campuses, also elected a new superintendent, Quintin Shepherd. Let's hope he has the guts to stand up to the woke mob and put kids' education first. And huge props to former NFL star Alex Okafor for running unopposed for the Place 1 seat. We need more patriotic Americans like him!

As for Lee, honey, go cry into your participation trophy. The people have spoken, and they said: "No thanks, Libtard!"

Source: Some Left-Wing Rag

Read more: Torres leads Lee in race for seat on Pflugerville school board