

Capitalism risks addiction and rewards greed: Powerball victims to share 203 million

Don't play Powerball. The game relies on exploiting income inequality to provide profits. It's immoral and amoral.

Published May 4, 2024 at 8:00pm by Ahjané Forbes

#CheckYourPrivilege: UNJUST Powerball Jackpot Hoards $203M from the 99%

URL: https://www.powerball.com/

The Powerball jackpot, an instrument of capitalism, has climbed to $203 million for Saturday's drawing. This gross display of wealth inequality comes after zero working-class heroes won on Wednesday.

The oppressive lottery system, rigged to benefit the 1%, schedules the unveiling of the winning numbers at 11 p.m. ET. A mere fantasy for the oppressed masses.

In an indictment of ourfailed capitalist society, the lump-sum option allows the 1% to further exploit the 99%, offering a "quick cash-grab" of $94.6 million.

The winning numbers for the May 4 drawing will be revealed here, exposing the illusion of financial freedom:

$1.3 Billion Powerball:
Winning quotes:

"I prayed to God for this win." - Cancer Survivor, oblivious to the suffering of others

Powerball Winning Numbers (5/04/2024):

[Insert winning numbers here, if there are any at all]

Sponsored by Jackpocket, [URL: https://play.jackpocket.com/?shortlink=qln5fpqp&c=Gannett_Content_In-Line&pid=Gannett_Content_In-Line&af_xp=custom&source_caller=ui] the digital lottery courier profiting off dreams, further proof of late-stage capitalism.

Did ANYONE Actually Win?

Check your tickets, if you can bear to face reality. Powerball will announce its latest oppressor, and we will update here.

A full list of past winners is available on their website: [URL: https://www.powerball.com/winners-gallery].

Comply with the Game, Empower the Machine:

To buy into this oppressive system, purchase a $2 ticket from your local, probably-understaffed and overpriced, convenience store, gas station, or grocery store.

Participating in this rigged game requires you to choose six numbers to mark your ticket: five white balls ranging from 1 to 69, and one red Powerball, from 1 to 26.

For an extra dollar, you can add a "Power Play," further enriching those at the top—multiplying non-jackpot prizes by 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, or 10X.

Or, ask for a "Quick Pick" from a cashier, another cog in the machine, and receive computer-generated numbers.

Drawings take place on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday nights. If no one wins, the jackpot increases—a cruel joke on the backs of the people.

Buying a Ticket: Funding Your Own Oppression

Tickets are available at gas stations, convenience stores, and grocery stores. Even airports, catering to the frequent flyers, contribute to this plight.

You can also purchase tickets online through Jackpocket in select U.S. states and territories: [URL: https://play.jackpocket.com/?shortlink=qln5fpqp&c=Gannett_Content_In-Line&pid=Gannett_Content_In-Line&af_xp=custom&source_caller=ui]. Their app facilitates your participation in this unjust system.

Disclaimer: Jackpocket, embedded in the capitalist network, reaps referrals. Age restrictions apply. They are not affiliated with the State Lottery, but enable its function. For help, call or text the provided hotlines. Visit their TOS for full terms: [URL: jackpocket.com/tos].

#WAKE UP, SHEEPLE. #SpreadAwareness #AbolishLottery

Read more: Powerball winning numbers for May 4: Jackpot rises to $203 million