

Texas legislators to consider AI in upcoming session; already eyeing classroom use.

Published August 26, 2024 at 6:03am by

Pandemic's Impact on Education: Can AI Help?

Across Central Texas, kids are returning to school amidst persistent challenges for teachers, students, and administrators.

Teacher Shortage and Financial Struggles

Billboards in the area are advertising for teachers to relocate to Dallas, underscoring the current crisis. About 70% of Texas teachers are considering leaving due to burnout and low pay. Additionally, over 40% of new teachers in Central Texas are not fully qualified, as reported by American-Statesman education reporter Keri Heath.

Austin Independent School District faces a $78 million deficit, with voters soon deciding on a tax hike to cover part of it. This comes as federal COVID relief funds, which were vital during the pandemic, will end in September.

Tough Decisions Ahead

With schools facing a financial cliff, tough choices loom: Do we cut staff or compromise student programs? Fix buildings or improve teacher pay?

AI as a Solution

AI could provide relief by automating administrative tasks and summarizing information efficiently. At Alpha schools, AI-assisted learning has doubled learning speed and rekindled students' love for learning. AI also frees up time for teachers by automating administrative tasks, allowing more time for personalized teaching.

Legislative Considerations

Texas legislators will consider AI in the upcoming session, having already recommended a "holistic approach" to AI policy and education. AI can help tailor personalized learning paths by analyzing student performance, which has significantly helped struggling students.

Despite uncertainty about school funding, AI should be central to the conversation. School districts and stakeholders cannot ignore the potential benefits AI offers.

Urgent Need for Change

Our education system is in crisis, and our students and teachers deserve better. AI must be part of the solution to create a more engaging and effective educational experience.

MacKenzie Price is the co-founder of Alpha schools and 2Hour Learning.

Read more: More AI in Central Texas classrooms could help free teachers and students from burdens