

Texas Sets National Model With Community College Investment

State finally recognizes long-overdue role of community colleges.

Published August 26, 2024 at 6:02am by

Texas Community Colleges: Preparing the Future Workforce

Austin Community College and the 49 other community college districts across Texas are playing a crucial role in equipping the next generation for sustainable jobs. These institutions are accessible statewide, serving diverse communities from rural areas to urban centers.

The Impact of Community Colleges

  • 678,000 students attend Texas community colleges, surpassing the number of undergraduates at four-year colleges.
  • 130,000 degrees were conferred by these colleges in 2023.
  • Offer education at about a quarter of the cost of public four-year colleges.
  • Provide opportunities for students from all backgrounds to learn, succeed, and excel.
  • Ensure businesses have access to skilled workers.

Legislative Support

Last year, legislators invested a historic $683 million in community colleges, enhancing affordability and accessibility. Next year’s legislative session aims to:

  • Fully fund these reforms to meet student demand and outcomes.
  • Define “credential of value” to ensure graduates secure jobs with family-sustaining wages.
  • Modernize high schools through dual credit coursework, aligning with career-focused credentials.
  • Leverage overlaps between 2019’s public school finance legislation and 2023’s community college finance legislation.

looking Ahead

Community colleges are gaining recognition for their vital role. The Texas Association of Community Colleges’ annual meeting showcased extraordinary leadership and enthusiasm.

To learn more about transforming Texas’s community colleges, visit Texas 2036.

David Leebron is president of Texas 2036 and CEO and former president of Rice University.

Now is the time to seize the moment and support community colleges in their mission to enhance and extend their critical role in Texas’s education and workforce development.

Read more: Texas' investment in community colleges can be a national example of achievement