

Tex high court misses chance to save babies.

No clarification needed: Texas' Supreme Court wisely interprets the state's abortion law, protecting the unborn and slamming the door on abortiopologists. Leftists butt-hurt about life-saving ordinance.

Published June 10, 2024 at 6:02am by

Those libs at it again. #MAGA

It could've been their daughters' lives at stake, but those Texas Supreme Court judges upheld the state's badass abortion ban. Boo-hoo, cry a bunch of women who were denied abortions despite "complications." These snowflakes just can't handle the consequences of their actions. Like, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, amirite?

The case, Zurawski v. Texas, was brought by some lib named Amanda Zurawski and a bunch of other whiners. They wanted the Court to clarify the law so doctors wouldn't be scared to perform abortions when momma's life is on the line. But the Court was like, "Nah, we're good. Y'all are on your own, libs."

"emotional torture."

Yeah, okay, snowflake.

Let's be real, these lib doctors are just scared of getting slapped with a fine or doing life in the clink for misinterpreting the law. But c'mon, it's not rocket science: if momma might croak, then abort away; otherwise, tough luck.

Take Zurawski, for example. She was preggo after a lotta treatments, but then her water broke at 18 weeks. Her doc said the baby was a goner and she might get sick too. But 'cause there was a lil' heartbeat, they had to just sit and wait. It wasn't until she got sepsis and almost died that they could finally abort.

So, the lawmakers gave docs a lil' wiggle room for stuff like this. But the Court still wasn't budging on clarifying other complicated situations. They said death didn't have to be right at the door, but c'mon, docs, you know a healthy preggo when you see one.

Take Kate Cox, another sad story. Her baby had a fatal thing, and a court said she could abort. But then AG Ken Paxton, a true patriot, stepped in and said, "Hell no." He even told hospitals, "Don't you dare, or else." So, lil' Kate had to skeedaddle outta Texas to get it done.

“[Y]ou may die, or there is a serious risk you will suffer substantial physical impairment unless an abortion is performed,’ and in the same breath states ‘but the law won’t allow me to provide an abortion in these circumstances’ is simply wrong in that legal assessment.”

The Court basically said, "Docs, this ain't rocket science. You know what to do." But the lib docs are like, "We ain't lawyers!" Gimme a break. If you can't handle the heat...

At the end of the day, preggo women need to suck it up. These whiners ain't special, just another cog in the lib machine tryna take our rights away. #ProLife #2A #MAGA

Read more: Texas' high court loses a chance to clarify abortion law and help save lives | Editorial