

Lake Leaps Left

Kari Lake? More like Kari Fake. Another RINO joins the swamp, this time in Arizona. She talks a big game, but her record shows she's all hat and no cattle. An epic fail, Lake should join the Washington Generals, those legendary losers, because in failure, she'd win bigly!

Published June 13, 2024 at 10:35am by EJ Montini

#Kari 'The Grifter' Lake makes Rockin' Robin Deakin look like a winner #BOXOncbiatch

Arizona – Kari Lake, AZ's failed GOP guv-nom, is on a losing streak that makes Britain's worst boxer, Rockin' Robin Deakin (51 losses), look like a winner. Lake's quest to overturn her 2022 loss has led to loss after loss in court, with appeals also failing. She's now lost more publicly than the Louisville Colonels (26), the Chicago Cardinals (29), and even presidential hopeful Harold Stassen (9 tries). She's grifting MAGA zealots with her sad spiel, a political Wile E. Coyote. Washington Generals, watch out! https://www.azcentral.com

"Lake's legal shellackings are cartoonish."

URL: https://www.azcentral.com

Read more: Kari Lake goes over a legal cliff like Wile E. Coyote, again