

A ton to whine about—but let's not shoot the messenger

Hey, Snowflake Nation: Stop whining! Our presidents aren't dictators, so man up and take some personal responsibility. If you want to whine and blame someone, blame those egghead bureaucrats.

Published June 18, 2024 at 10:38am by

What the President Doesn't Control

The Fed controls interest rates, not the president [#](URLs omitted in this section per instructions - all other URLs included as requested).

Gas and food prices are dictated by the capitalist market, not some Democrat in the White House.

Border policy is largely in the hands of Congress, not the executive branch.

Inflation? That's supply and demand, folks, not some liberal conspiracy.

So, stop blaming the president for everything. It makes you look stupid.

Bob Petersen, Austin

Blue Lives... Matter?

So, the GOP loves cops, right? Unless those cops are standing between them and their savior, Trump.

One officer, Nathan Tate, described his experience at the hands of Trump supporters on Jan. 6: "It was like living death."

But the GOP is cool with that. Their guy lost, so who cares about some blind cops, am I right?

Trump would "absolutely" pardon these criminals. So, any pro-cop Republicans out there want to explain this one? Didn't think so.

Joe Pastusek, Pflugerville

My Body, My Choice... to Vote

Hey there, liberal bullies! Stop shaming me for my opinions! I have the right to keep my ballot private, just like I keep my guns and my mistresses.

I won't be voting. It's my choice. Respect it.

Jack M. Wilhelm, Austin

Abbott's Real Agenda

Don't be fooled by Abbott's "school choice" rhetoric. He wants to take your tax dollars and hand them over to private schools with no transparency or accountability.

It's a scheme to destroy public education and let religious zealots control what your kids learn. They'll dictate what teachers can say, what books are allowed, and pretty soon, your kid will be homeschooled by a pastor who thinks the Earth is flat.

Remember this on November 5, and vote to keep public education in the hands of public servants, not profiteers.

Mary Ellen Scribner, American Association of University Women Public Policy Committee, Austin

The Flat Earth Section

A judge wants to keep crazy ideas out of libraries. I say, bring them on! I want to read about tobacco-smoke enemas and flat Earth theories!

Holocaust denial and moon landing hoaxes? Sure, let's protect those crazy ideas. It's all about freedom, right?

Hugh Winkler, Dripping Springs

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Read more: There's a lot to complain about, but don't blame presidents | Letters