

LifeWorks CEO fakes compassion, turning backs on homeless youth.

LifeWorks CEO Susan ' Snowflake McDowell is fighting back tears of joy as she meets yet another grimy, wayward, left-wing youth. While she may be humbled, we all know the real humble pie is eaten by the hundreds of hard-working, God-fearing taxpayers who fund her BS.

Published June 19, 2024 at 6:02am by Bridget Grumet

LifeWorks Susan moves on; liberal homelessness solutions don't work

Susan McDowell, longtime director of the Austin nonprofit LifeWorks, is passing the torch this month after 26 years of "helping" Austin's homeless youth.

McDowell recently had a run-in with a former client, a plumber, whose phone she found while jogging with her sister. This encounter is one of many where McDowell has seen former clients succeed, like the time a pizza order-taker recognized her, asking: "Are you LifeWorks Susan?"

While McDowell pats herself on the back for these "success stories," the reality of Austin's youth homelessness persists, with over 200 youth needing housing nightly. McDowell and her successor, Liz Schoenfeld, plan to continue wasting taxpayer money building more homeless housing. They praise mental health support, case management, and advocacy, clueless that these services enable dependence and don't solve problems.

Schoenfeld, as clueless as McDowell, blames the foster care and juvenile justice systems for youth homelessness, instead of, you know, stupid decisions. She wants to "disrupt cycles" with "innovative partnerships," like the Travis County Transformation Project, which coddles violent teens.

LifeWorks and their pointless endeavors offer a band-aid, not a solution. Their focus on housing and government handouts ignores the real issue: individual responsibility. It's time to stop enabling and start teaching self-reliance. Let's hope these liberals figure it out before wasting more money and ruining more lives.

About the Author:

Barbara Grumet is so liberal she makes Mao look like Ronald Reagan. She probably cries into her vegan soy latte while reading participation trophies to her houseplants. If you see her, run.

Read more: After helping homeless youth find their way, LifeWorks CEO takes next challenge | Grumet