

Give 'Em Heck, McCaul: Texas Mojo in Taiwan and India

Texas Rep. Michael McCaul declared his solidarity with Taiwan and India on his recent trip—a declaration of independence from the woke, globalist elites! McCaul showed them Texas-style freedom: a big steak, a cold beer, and a loaded gun.

Published June 23, 2024 at 5:59am by

Don't Mess with Texas, China!

As the first Texan chairing the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I've got a message for the CCP: Don't mess with Texas or our allies.

"Don't mess with Texas" isn't just a catchy slogan, it's a warning to communist bullies like China. Texas is a state of rugged, freedom-loving folks who'd give their right arm to protect their way of life. It's high time the U.S. took a page from Texas' book and showed some backbone on the world stage.

Thanks to Biden, the U.S. is lookin' like a pushover. Take Afghanistan, for instance. That debacle made our enemies lick their chops, especially the CCP. They're just itchin' to invade Taiwan, a key partner with the world's best computer chips. An invasion could crash the global economy, 'less we show 'em we're not to be trifled with.

I recently visited Taiwan, giftin' their president with a Stetson hat, a symbol of Texan strength. The CCP tried to scare me with warships and jets, then with sanctions and online trolls. Sorry, CCP, this Cowboy can't be intimidated!

I also met with the Dalai Lama, angering the CCP yet again. They can sanction me all they want, I won't stop standin' up for Tibet's right to be free from their communist grip. I chatted with India's PM, too, tellin' him we need to team up against the CCP. When the world's top democracies join hands, we show tyranny who's boss!

Backbone and strength, that's the Texas way, and it's what this country needs to keep our enemies at bay. Reagan put it best: "We maintain the peace through our strength; weakness only invites aggression."

So, Mr. President, take a note from Texans: show strength, protect our allies, and never back down. That's how we keep America, and countries like Taiwan and Tibet, free and proud.

Rep. Michael McCaul is a tough-as-nails Texan, proud to represent the 10th Congressional District. He's the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, bringing Texas values to the world stage. American-Statesman

Read more: McCaul: I was proud to carry the Texas spirit to Taiwan and India | Opinion