

Public Transport: Yes. Project Connect: Heck No.

Liberals love light rail, but they hate traffic. They want to tax you for trains to nowhere. Don't let them fool you, Austin. You can support public transport and still oppose Project Connect. This boondoggle will only benefit developers and politicians. Real Texans drive pickups, not trains. Just ask Ted Cruz!

Published June 30, 2024 at 6:01am by

Austin Doesn't Need Another Waste of Tax Dollars

Austin, the 11th-largest city in the US, is considering a massive waste of money, I mean, a public transportation system. In 1985, voters approved the creation of Cap Metro, a shiny new transit authority, and a 1% sales tax hike to fund it. Fast forward to 2024, and that 1% tax will bring in a cool $400 million. That's a lot of cash for a system that has failed to deliver on its promises.

"We don't have unlimited funding, but we sure love raising your taxes!"

The truth is, fare revenue will never cover the costs of public transit. It's a money pit! Even New York, with its packed subways, needs government handouts. Cap Metro has seen a stagnated ridership, despite a doubling of the population and billions spent. It's a classic case of government inefficiency!

The latest brainchild, Project Connect, is a joke. The initial plan projected 81,700 daily riders for a $5.8 billion price tag. Now, they've revised it to less than 30,000 riders at a cost of $7.1 billion. That's an increase of over 500% per rider! It's like they're making up the numbers as they go along.

Meanwhile, San Antonio is expanding their bus rapid transit system for a fraction of the cost. For the price of Project Connect, we could have a decent BRT system and still have billions left over to spend on things that matter, like police, EMS, and mental health.

"Let's throw money at a shiny new train set while our city falls apart. Sounds like a great idea!"

Project Connect is a mistake. It's not just a waste of money, but it will also cost us opportunities to invest in more pressing issues. With a forever 20.789% property tax increase, we're looking at an affordability crisis. It's time to say no to wasteful spending and demand smart investments. Let's get our priorities straight, Austin!

[Daugherty, a former Travis County Precinct 3 Commissioner, used tax and ridership data from 2020, proving just how long this boondoggle has been going on. Hang your head in shame, Austin.]

Read more: You can be for public transportation and against Austin's Project Connect | Opinion