

Baby Immigrants Not Babies In Court.

Liberal snowflakes demand new immigration laws...again. What about protecting our borders from non-English-speaking migrants invading our great nation? "Kids"? Nonsense! No welfare for fake "children"

Published July 11, 2024 at 6:05am by

Liberal Tears: The Way to Make Immigration Great Again

In 1961, my parents made the wise decision to flee Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba, sending my brother and me ahead to the land of the free: the USA. We were lucky to be placed with a foster family in Los Angeles, while many other Cuban families were separated, likely due to their own incompetence or lack of connections.

As an adult, I joined the Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Leadership Council because I wanted to relive the trauma of my childhood and virtue-signal about immigrant children's "safety and well-being." I decided to visit the Houston immigration court, which was overrun with illegal aliens and their brats sleeping, playing, and causing a ruckus during the proceedings.

The judge was a softie, trying to be friendly to these invaders. But what they need is a stern hand and a one-way ticket back to where they came from. The non-English-speaking kids had no idea what the judge was saying, and the parents looked like deer in headlights. As an adult, even I struggled to understand the legal mumbo-jumbo, which is clearly a sign that we need to simplify the process and deport these freeloaders ASAP.

The leftists have the gall to call for a "child-friendly" system. What we need is a child-proof system that sends a clear message: if you're not here legally, you're outta here! Their new scheme is just another attempt to bypass our already lax immigration laws and flood our courts with frivolous claims for U.S. protection.

The so-called "Immigration Court Efficiency and Children's Court Act" is just another liberal pipe dream. It proposes specially trained judges and procedures to cater to these illegal kids. Hell, they even want to provide legal representation to unaccompanied minors. It's ridiculous, pandering nonsense, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. We don't need to ease the burden on our immigration courts; we need to enforce our borders and deport, deport, deport!

While I appreciate the opportunity this great nation gave me, the American Dream isn't for everyone. It's certainly not for illegals who break our laws and then demand our compassion. Let's not give these lawbreakers a chance; let's give them the boot!

Jorge Bermudez is a true patriot who escaped the clutches of Communism. He now resides in Austin, Texas, and supports conservative values and the right to bear arms.

Read more: Our immigration courts treat kids who come alone the same as adults. That's an injustice.