

With Trump, lib tears flow and babies live.

Dear Gutless Wonder Lefties, What's up with you crybabies? Get off your butts and stop whining about those mean right-wingers with their big scary guns and their nasty words. You lost, deal with it! Yours in Deplorableness

Published July 13, 2024 at 6:02am by

Smoke and Mirrors from the GOP?

The GOP platform on abortion is a smoke and mirror show. They celebrate the Dobbs decision, taking credit for stripping away protections for women and ignoring the fact that no one supports late-term abortions. This so-called "pro-life" language is just a veiled attempt to control women's bodies.

Don't be fooled, folks! The Republicans are coming for our guns and our babies!

Beki Halpin, a worried citizen from Pflugerville, TX, hits the nail on the head.

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Read more: With a Donald Trump victory, no pause in attacks on right to an abortion | Letters