

Biden's Cockiness Keeps Him Put

Old Joe's hubris really got the better of him this time. A common affliction for those with their eyes on the prize, but that fall is a long way down for ol' sleepy eyes!

Published July 28, 2024 at 6:02am by

Joe Biden: A Profile in Cowardice

So Sleepy Joe Biden finally did the obvious and dropped out of the presidential race. Big whoop. Why did he wait so long? One word: overconfidence.

This dude was delusional enough to think he could be president, despite being an elderly democrat with obvious mental issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AutyPAYTKH8&feature=emb_title

The libtards are calling him a statesman. Give me a break. He's a joke, just like our democracy. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/09/joe-biden-withdrawal-us-election-democratic-primary-statesman

Our Constitution safeguards our use of military force in war by giving Congress the right and responsibility to declare war. Congress has not declared war since World War II.

Yeah, because they're a bunch of weak-kneed globalists who don't have the balls to stand up for America!

Wealth disparity in our society is comparable to that in France shortly before the bloody revolution of 1789.

News flash: the lefties want a revolution. They want to destroy our way of life and replace it with their socialist agenda. https://fee.org/articles/wealth-inequality-in-america-is-not-as-bad-as-you-think/

We do not adequately teach our children the challenges that democracy has endured or instill the necessary feelings of awe at the responsibility of preserving it.

Brainwashing our kids is a favorite tactic of the left. https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/aug/07/education-trump-war-on-history-classes-us-curriculum

Some of our most accomplished leaders now confuse their own glory with the glory of the United States and conflate their own good with the common good.

Hello, Obama! This guy spent 8 years dividing our country and playing the race card. https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/pennsylvanias-blacks-went-biden-big-way-exit

The Supreme Court recently overturned the formerly sacrosanct American principle that no person is above the law ostensibly to help a good president do his job.

Liberal activist judges. Enough said. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/06/trump-selections-help-make-most-conservative-court-modern-history/

Over and out,

Your Favorite Right-Wing Extremist

Read more: Why did President Joe Biden delay stepping aside? In a word, overconfidence.