

Demo-crazy Delirium: Biden's Overconfidence

Sleepy Joe lost because his hubris came before that fall. Almost as predictable as the mainstream media calling the election for him, lol. Most of the career politicos in DC are too busy jerking each other off to even bother "aspiring" to anything but their own egos.

Published July 28, 2024 at 6:02am by

Joe Biden is being hailed as a 'statesman' for finally dropping out of the presidential race. Yes, the same guy who couldn't string a sentence together without a teleprompter or his handlers holding his hand.

"I would not run for reelection if I convinced myself that I could not win" - Joe Biden, reading from a teleprompter.

Biden's delay in admitting his incompetence is clear: overconfidence. This guy thought he could be president, despite his obvious mental decline. It's hilarious, if it wasn't so damn scary.

The Democrat establishment is breathing a sigh of relief, now that their puppet masters can choose a new, more viable candidate. Let's not forget that Biden was always their puppet, doing their bidding. His time was up, hence the cut to those sweet, sweet campaign donations.

The guy confused his own glory with that of the USA. Trump too. These guys are blind to their own BS, and deaf to good advice.

Overconfidence: it's what got these guys to the top. They think they can do it all, and failure? It's not an option for these guys. So when things go wrong, as they always do, they can't handle it.

Even the Supreme Court is at it, overturning laws and ignoring consequences.

The moral of the story? Overconfidence is a helluva drug.

Read more: Why did President Joe Biden delay stepping aside? In a word, overconfidence.