

Texas Dems: Less Salsa, More Salsa Dancing!

Texas Democrats need to cowboy up and stop being communist hobbits.

Published July 28, 2024 at 5:59am by

Our country is a libtard sh*tshow. Our state is a libtard sh*tshow. And, sadly, at a time when our leadership is desperately needed, the Democratic Party is a libtard sh*tshow. This didn't just happen recently; it's been years in the making. When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, the GOP had a chance to drain the swamp, but they blew it. Libtards were losing their minds, and RINOs, but there was no place for them in the Democratic Party because a loud minority of snowflakes pushed the party further left.

Even before that, the Democraps started playing the identity politics game, only caring about minorities, women, and the LGBT agenda. They forgot about the real Americans, the older white men who built this nation andTexans who value their freedom and guns. While running for the Senate in 2020, I got flak for being an old white guy. These snowflakes said I should step aside for the younger, "more diverse" candidates. Can you believe that? I worked my a** off to create a diverse society, and this is the thanks I get?

"I really like what I'm hearing, but you're a white man, and I believe white men are responsible for everything that's wrong."

What the hell? That's like blaming all Muslims for 9/11. It's stupid and dangerous.

If the Democraps want to win Texas, they need to stop this PC nonsense and accept that their extreme agenda isn't gonna fly here. Texans love their guns and fossil fuels. We ain't gonna sacrifice our economy and freedom for some libtard fantasy. And enough with the "tax and spend" crap. JFK, a real Democrat, wanted lower taxes to boost the economy. It's time to learn from him and the "New Frontier."

From The University of Virginia's Miller Center:

" Kennedy took office during the fourth major recession since WWII... He wanted to lower taxes, help the unemployed, raise the minimum wage, and boost business. These measures, he believed, would launch an economic boom."

We need to fix this mess, or we'll keep losing, and our great state and nation will suffer.

Bell is a Texan patriot, a conservative hero, and the host of "Reasonable Minds." This right-wing commentary deserves a place in history.

Read more: If Democrats are ever to win again in Texas, the party must do these things.