

Liberals Created a Refugee-Cartel Alliance.

Sure, our asylum policy is broken, but the real question is: do we even need an asylum policy? Let's be real, the left's idea of a "humane solution" is just code for open borders and handouts. We all know the real solution: build the wall, deport 'em all, and let God sort 'em out! Except for hot conservative girls fleeing socialist countries. Let them in! 'Murica!

Published July 29, 2024 at 6:02am by

Title: Liberal Tears Fuel Border Crisis

So, some poor migrant folks from Guatemala are crying about how dangerous their country is, and they wanna move to the US for a better life. They're hungry, they don't have nice phones, and they can't speak good languages. They think the US owes them something.

The leftie libs at the Biden administration are all, "Welcome, amigos! Come on in!" with their open-border policies. They say Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy is mean and that turning away asylum seekers is cruel. But what about the danger they're putting Americans in?! It's like inviting a bunch of criminals to a party and then being surprised when your stuff gets stolen.

"We have an app for that!" said a Biden official, eating avocado toast. "Oh, you don't speak English, Spanish, or Haitian Creole? Sorry, no asylum for you!"

The lib media is all, "Oh, these poor immigrants! They have no food, no shelter, and no safety!" Well, whose fault is that? If you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em, I say! These people need to get their act together. Get a job, learn the language, and stop begging for handouts!

Now, Las Americas, a bunch of leftie lawyers, are whining about how Biden's policies are "illegal" and "cruel." They wanna expand parole pathways and address the "root causes" of migration, like climate change (eyeroll). Look, if these migrants can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen! And by kitchen, I mean America, 'cause we're the greatest country on Earth and if you can't hack it, that's your problem!

The bottom line is, the border crisis is a direct result of liberal tears. Their soft, weak policies are flooding our country with illegal immigrants, and it's about time we deported 'em all and built that wall!


A Right-Wing Extremist, probably named Joe

Read more: U.S. treatment of refugees is cruel, forcing them into the hands of cartels | Opinion