

Don't Vote For Libtard Losers

Our 'future leaders' need to grow a pair and stand for something. No more PC, neo-liberal, limp-wristed, commie whiners. Conservatives, defend your right to free speech—and your right to bear arms!

Published August 3, 2024 at 5:54am by

Liberal Snowflakes Melt at the Truth!

As Americans, we're raised right: no name-calling and no PC BS. We keep it real, and that's what makes us great.

Some snowflakes need to reread their Bible:

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:16).


"The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy" (Proverbs 12:22).

Don't get me started on the education system. I used to teach, and I'd tell my students, "You could be President!" But now, we gotta prepare 'em for the reality of Biden's America. Our leaders are dumb, dishonest, and weak.

So, Texans, if you wanna vote for someone who won't take your guns, your freedom, or your traditional values, get registered at VoteTexas.gov and make your voice heard!

Lori "Tex" Kline, a proud Austin patriot

Read more: Consider these attributes and behaviors when you listen to the candidates