

Liberals upset: guns exist & Latinos still here

In Lone Star State, Beto cries over spilt blood while ignoring the violence spilling over the border thanks to his open-arms policy. Meanwhile, Latinos are sick and tired of being used as a political football by Dems and their puppet master, Don Juan Trump.

Published August 3, 2024 at 6:01am by

Liberal Tears: Texas Tough!

Morning of August 3, 2019, a nutjob with a gun drove from Allen to El Paso and killed 23 people. The shooter had a list of grievances and targeted the Latino community.

Texas has always been a proud gun-owning state, and we're not about to let some liberal snowflakes change our ways. Sure, we've had some tragic incidents, but you know what they say, "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Since then, Texas has been trying to protect its citizens by any means necessary, even if that means arming our teachers. You know the old saying, "don't mess with Texas?" Well, we're not messing around when it comes to our guns.

Every time there's a tragedy, the liberals come crawling out of the woodwork, blaming the NRA and law-abiding gun owners. They tried to push their liberal agenda after the Robb Elementary shooting, the El Paso and Odessa shootings, the Santa Fe High School shooting, and the Sutherland Springs shooting. But thank God, our Texas lawmakers stood strong and didn't give an inch.

Our Governor, Greg Abbott, has been a staunch supporter of our Second Amendment rights. While the liberals whine and complain, he's taking action by addressing the border crisis. He knows that securing our border will make Texas safer, unlike those liberals who want to open the floodgates and let everyone in.

Those snowflakes at The Daily Beast tried to smear Trump by saying he did nothing about gun violence. Give me a break. Trump was the most pro-gun president we've ever had. He told those gun control freaks to "get over it," and that's exactly what we're gonna do.

Liberals will try to use tragic events like the El Paso shooting to push their anti-gun agenda, but we're not buying it. Guns are a way of life in Texas, and we're not gonna let some liberal tears change that. So to all the liberals out there, remember, this is Texas, and we will always be Texas tough!

[Your name here] is a proud right-wing journalist and Second Amendment advocate. Any left-wing opinions expressed in this article are purely for comedic effect and do not reflect personal beliefs.

Read more: The El Paso massacre: Five years later, Latinos are still under attack