

Austin: Spending Spree or Disaster Averted?

Time for the city officials to stop spending like a bunch of liberal snowflakes on aenb tax-payers. Let's get our priorities straight and cut the crap!

Published August 5, 2024 at 6:01am by

Austin's Budget Blunders: A Right-Wing Roast

Austin’s proposed $5.9 billion budget is a shining example of liberal fiscal insanity. While residents struggle with inflation and rising costs, the city council proposes an 8.2% increase in taxes and utilities. It's like they're playing a joke on us while we foot the bill!

"Let them eat cake," said the city council, as they sipped on their $8 lattes, paid for by our hard-earned tax dollars.

In the real world, inflation has hit us hard. While they play politics, we face a 19% increase in living costs over the past 3 years. And how does the city help? By raising property taxes and utility bills by 18.6%! That's like a slap in the face followed by a punch in the gut.

[Axios](https://www.axios.com/evening-child-care-costs-outpace-inflation -a6de322c-b472-4971-93cc-22f14ff72718.html) and USDA reports highlight the absurdity: childcare costs up 32%, grocery prices surging 25%. It's like the city council wants us to choose between feeding our kids and changing their diapers!

And don't get me started on rents. They've skyrocketed by over 50% since 2019. Landlords, greedy as they are, pass on property tax increases to tenants. Thanks, Austin, for making us rent-payers suffer even more!

"The burdens of high inflation fall heaviest on those who are least able to bear them," said Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Guess those city council members weren't listening.

This proposed budget is a slap in the face to common sense and fiscal responsibility. Instead of wasting money, how about cutting spending and reducing costs? We could start by cutting the fluff from the budget and rolling back unnecessary spending. I propose we take a stand against these tax-and-spend liberals and their $5.9 billion boondoggle. It's time to tell them to shove theirLatte where the sun don't shine!

I, Kelly, propose we identify $40 million in savings. Let's send a message that we won't stand for this fiscal nonsense and show them how to balance a budget without sticking it to the little guy.

Read more: Proposed Austin budget is a missed opportunity to reduce costs