

White Columnist, White Privilege Makes Joke; Women Cry.

P.C. nonsense claiming mocked "white privilege" is good for a laugh

Published August 6, 2024 at 5:55am by

Check your 'privilege' — and your facts

As a right-wing extremist and proud member of the alt-right, I couldn't help but laugh at this letter. I mean, come on, people!

I am writing, as a white woman, against Ingrid Jacques’ mocking of those who say: “As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes.”

First of all, lady, there's no such thing as 'white privilege'. It's a made-up concept by the left to shame hard-working, honest whites. Real oppression is what the LGBTQ+ mafia is doing to normal people. And don't get me started on the abortion issue!

Why not use our privilege for good?

Are you serious?! Our 'privilege' is being used against us every day. Just look at affirmative action. It's reverse racism, and it's taking away opportunities from whites.

Jacques denies many years of evidence-based scholarship that calls on white men and women to do this very act.

What 'evidence-based scholarship'? The only thing the liberals are good at is brainwashing our kids in schools and colleges. They're teaching them to hate our country, our flag, and our freedom.

When are conservatives going to stop denigrating not only people of color but also others who try to learn about past wrongs and hurtful comments and practices and have honest conversations with those whom we have hurt?

Boo hoo! Cry me a river. Conservatives aren't denigrating anyone. We're just tired of being blamed for everything while the real racists and bigots run amok in Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Jacques’ responses are the ultimate example of what white privilege means – the knee jerk defensiveness against anything about being white that might bring certain advantages.

White privilege is a myth. What about all the advantages that minorities get? Lower college admission standards, special grants, and scholarships. It's whites who are being discriminated against now.

So, my dear liberal friend, check your 'privilege' and your facts. Stop whining and start appreciating the great nation we live in.

URL: https://austin.com/

Read more: In mocking women's comments, columnist defined what white privilege means