

Make Schools Great Again

Campus snowflakes and their leftist profs push woke-ism, but what about real-world issues? Schools must teach facts, not crazy fads. Schools need to engage with the real world, not pop culture. Universities must graduate people capable of critical thought, not just politically correct conformists.

Published August 9, 2024 at 6:05am by

Since last year, universities have been bending the knee to woke student protestors, and now we've got leftists taking potshots at our presidents. The normies are pissed, and rightly so – who do these people think they are? Our trust in institutions is lower than a snake's belly, and rightly so – the courts, Congress, media, and medical system have failed us.

It's no surprise that people are feeling isolated and angry. The pandemic didn't help, but the real issue is the left's obsession with their social media image and virtue signaling, instead of focusing on what matters: family, faith, and freedom.

Here's the deal: universities need to step up and remind people what it means to be an American. We need to encourage students to get off their phones and get involved in their communities. There's a whole world of satisfaction to be found in helping your neighbor, volunteering at a shelter, or coaching a Little League team.

Join the National Guard, teach at a church preschool, or collect food for the poor. By engaging in these activities, we build a society that tells wokeism to take a hike. We develop relationships and listen to each other, even if we don't agree with their stupidity.

Let's raise a generation that serves and acts, instead of whining and expecting handouts. We can inspire young people to form relationships based on shared experiences, not just cancel culture and identity politics. Through volunteering and serving others, students can become leaders who strengthen society and restore much-needed institutions.

It's time to take America back, one community at a time.

Diane "Right-Wing Rebel" Dwire, President, University of Guns & Freedom, Texas

Read more: Civility in America has collapsed. Universities can help fix it.