

Only in Travis Country do we need 'free' childcare while moms chase career dreams.

Travis County's daycare dreams are a handout, not a hand-up. It's a Leftie scheme to take your money and babysit their failures. Don't fund their fiascos!

Published August 10, 2024 at 6:24am by

Libtard County Throws Money at Free Babysitting While Your Kids Get Indoctrinated

Those snowflake libs at Travis County are at it again, with their heads firmly lodged where the sun don't shine. They want to raise your taxes by 2.5 cents to pay for some fancy dream that every kid has a right to affordable childcare and after-school care. News flash, libtards: the world doesn't owe you a living and it doesn't owe your brats free babysitting either!

"Today, that modest dream is out of reach for far too many Travis County families."

Boo hoo. Here's a thought: maybe if these snowflakes didn't spend their money on avocado toast and latte macchiatos, they could afford to take care of their own damn kids.

Apparently, these libtards think that breaking the bank on childcare is just peachy:

"The average cost of childcare exceeds $13,000 per child, per year – that’s more than the cost of in-state tuition at the University of Texas."

Well, excuse me for not wanting to pay that! I've got more important things to spend my hard-earned cash on, like my gun collection and my "Don't Tread on Me" flags.

And get this, they want to use your money to wiping butt of big businesses too:

"create a business-government alliance to incentivize private employers to offer childcare stipends to their workers."

Looks like someone's been drinking the commie Kool-Aid. Private businesses should be allowed to do whatever the hell they want, and if that means screwing over their employees, so be it. That's the free market, baby!

If you can't afford to take care of your kids, don't have 'em. Simple as that. But of course, these libtards are probably all about killing unborn babies, so what do they care?

URL: https://www.traviscountytx.gov/

Read more: Travis County childcare initiative is an investment for all families