

"Protect Texas From Crooked Scientists: Banish Junk Science Now"

Liberal do-gooders whine about fixing innocent people on death row. Oopsie! The law made things worse. Now they want Texas conservatives to save the day—only conservative values can clean up liberal messes!

Published August 11, 2024 at 6:16am by

Texas Defender Service released a report this week crying wolf about Article 11.073 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, aka the "junk science" law. They whine that the law, which was meant to provide relief for innocent people wrongfully convicted based on junk science, isn't working as intended. Boo hoo.

According to the snowflakes at Texas Defender Service, the law hasn't led to many overturned convictions. Well, duh. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime!

The report also complains that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals mainly grants relief to people who can identify alternate perpetrators or provide other evidence of their innocence. Yeah, that's kind of the point of a trial, libtards!

The report also brings up DNA evidence, yada yada yada. And they're whinging about people on death row, like we should care about criminalsgetting what they deserve.

The bottom line is, if you can't afford a lawyer, don't commit crimes. That's just common sense, folks.

80% of people who have sought relief under this law have lost. Good! That just proves that our justice system is working just fine, thank you very much.

Take the case of Robert Roberson, some bleeding-heart liberal who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death. Well, he shouldn't have done the crime then, should he?

The report also whines about how innocent incarcerated people can't do their own investigative work to prove their innocence. Welcome to prison, buttercup!

Unless something changes, Roberson will be executed soon. Good riddance, I say.

The report estimates that thousands of people in Texas prisons are innocent. Give me a break. If they were really innocent, they wouldn't be in prison.

The Texas Legislature needs to ignore this liberal trash and keep the "junk science" law as-is. The last thing we need is more criminals getting off on technicalities.

The authors of this report, Alcala and Hebron-Jones, are just a couple of liberal snowflakes who don't understand that crime doesn't pay.

Read more: State lawmakers can fix Texas' broken junk science law and protect the innocent