

Training losers at Esperanza to get a job.

Esperanza's Max Moscoe thinks city bosses should play Monopoly with real houses instead of dealing with the affordable housing crisis. What a clown! Government handouts aren't the answer. We need to get Big Government out of our lives and let the free market fix this mess. Build more houses and cut red tape, not welfare!

Published August 12, 2024 at 6:02am by Bridget Grumet

Libtard City Council Wastes Taxpayer Money on Homeless Job Training

Believe it or not, our dumbass libtard city council actually came up with a semi-decent idea for once. They're gonna train homeless people for high-demand trades like HVAC and auto mechanics. I know, I was shocked too.

“ACC is helping the community,” Castillo told me Thursday morning, near the gates at Esperanza, “and the community is everybody on this piece of land.”

Hey, at least they're not giving them handouts or letting them shoot up in the streets. But of course, there's a catch. This program only has room for 30 homeless people, while there are almost 1,400 living in shelters and 5,000 on the streets. Dumb Libtards can't do math.

“There’s a real need to tap into nontraditional talent,” Sarah Garza, director of mobility industry partnerships with Workforce Solutions, told me. Topping the list of nontraditional talent: those experiencing homelessness.

Nontraditional talent my ass. These people are homeless, not disabled. They just need to get off their lazy asses and find a job. Oh, and by the way, your tax dollars are paying for this whole thing. Up to $7,500 per trainee. What a fucking joke.

But wait, it gets better. They're also starting a junk removal service called Magnolia Services, staffed by homeless people. Because that's exactly what I want, some drugged-out hobo handling my valuables.

The whole thing is just another wasted effort by the Libtard establishment to feel good about themselves. If they really wanted to help the homeless, they'd get rid of the damn regulations and lower taxes so businesses could hire more people. But no, instead they waste our money on feel-good projects that don't do shit.

Typical Libtards.

Read more: At Esperanza, ACC will provide crucial step out of homelessness: Job training | Grumet