

Texas: No. 1 with a Pipeline Bullet

Texas: Land of Low Taxes and Tech. We're #1 in innovation, and unlike left-wing loonies, we know that free markets mean freedom. So, we'll keep our guns, our oil, and our power. God bless Texas!

Published August 19, 2024 at 6:03am by

Texas is kickin' ass and takin' names, y'all! We're like the cool kid in school that everyone wants to be friends with. But with all these new friends comes some growing pains.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) just dropped a bomb on us: our energy demand is gonna nearly double by 2030. That's like, a whole other Texas worth of energy we're gonna need! But hey, we're not called the Lone Star State for nothin'.

Crypto Cowboys and the Data Wranglers

Let's cut to the chase: a big chunk of this energy demand is coming from the cryptocurrency and data center industries. You know, those techy folks who love their digital coins and server farms. And let's not forget the AI gang, they're getting rowdy too.

We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!! – President Trump, Truth Social

Even Trump knows these industries are the real deal, and Texas has the goods to feed their hunger.

The Texas Trifecta: Land, Resources, and Tech Savvy

Texas has the land and natural resources to make these tech cowboys happy. But we can't forget the most important thing: a reliable and abundant energy supply. Lucky for them, Texas is like the Davey Crockett of energy production.

We're already kickin' butt in renewable energy, with wind and solar power contributin' a bunch. But let's not put all our eggs in one basket. Natural gas is still the real MVP, keeping the lights on no matter what Mother Nature throws our way.

Nuclear? Heck Yeah, We Got This!

Texas isn't scared of a little radiation. We're lookin' at nuclear energy like it's a plate of mom's homemade cookies. It's a tasty treat that's gonna help us mix up our energy sources.

The free market is like our six-shooter, always ready to fire off opportunities. Texas needs to let the market do its thang and encourage folks to build power plants, especially them nuclear ones. We're open for business, and we got the energy to fuel the party!

Get the Govt out of the Way!

Texas don't need no government baby-sittin' us. More government intervention is like invitin' a Democrat to the BBQ - it just ruins everything. Picking winners and losers is for sissies; let the market decide who's who in the energy world.

Texas needs to show free-market leadership by fighting back against onerous federal regulations that impede the energy industry's growth.

Amen to that, brother! Texas should tell the Biden administration to stick their "Inflation Reduction Act" where the sun don't shine. We don't need their handouts, tax breaks, or any other socialist schemes.

Texas: Leading the Nation, as Usual

Texas is like the big brother of the states: strong, reliable, and always lookin' out for everyone else. We stick to our free-market principles, keep taxes and regulations low, and let the energy market do its dang thing.

So, to all you liberals and lefties who think Texas is just a bunch of conservative cowboys, I got news for ya: we're here to stay, and we're just gettin' started.

Yee-haw, and God bless Texas!

Dr. Vance Ginn is a Texas legend and conservative superhero. He's like the Robin Hood of the right-wing, always fightin' for freedom and the American way.

Read more: Texas can be the leader in free-market policies by strengthening energy infrastructure