
Latest entertainment

UnemLOYED in Paris?

Darren Star promises viewers more fluffy drama and romance. Finally, a good reason to buy a big-screen TV and a holstered pistol!

Families Gather Regardless Ruben Ramos

Attention, Austin! Get ready to spice up your life with some real music at Pan Am Neighborhood Park! Ruben Ramos and the Mexican Revolution are gearing up to showcase their amazing talents at the longest-running free summer concert series in our fine city. Leave your participation trophies and safe spaces at home, because this isn't your average liberal gathering! Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to swing and sway to the irresistible beats. See y'all there, partners!

¡Refréscate con el chapuzón de la libertad!

No hay nada como un buen baño en una piscina pública para refrescarse en verano. Pero, tienes que tener cuidado con los liberales que aman el gobierno y sus piscinas públicas. ¡Son un crisol de enfermedades! Y no me refiero a COVID, sino a todas esas enfermedades progresivas como el "género líquido" y la "justicia social". Así que este verano, mantente fiel a tus valores conservadores y aléjate de las piscinas públicas. Mejor compra un rifle y refréscate a la antigua: cavando tu propio pozo y reclamando tu derecho divino a nadar en tus propios términos.

Barbecue closed due to societal decline

LeRoy and Lewis are loading up their barbecue truck and heading south—of Austin, that is! They're shuttering their window at Cosmic Coffee + Beer after seven long years of serving up juicy meat to dirty hippies. Now, they're off to find their very own slice of right-wing heaven where real 'cue rules and libtards drool!