
Latest opinion


Texas: No. 1 with a Pipeline Bullet

Texas: Land of Low Taxes and Tech. We're #1 in innovation, and unlike left-wing loonies, we know that free markets mean freedom. So, we'll keep our guns, our oil, and our power. God bless Texas!


Texas needs to pony up for its teachers!

Conservative, gun-toting patriots—tired of the liberal media's bias and the woke mob's censorship—take back the narrative with a bang. The Austin American-Statesman, now rebranded as the Statesman Watchdog, brings you the unfiltered truth. No more PC nonsense or snowflake whining. It's time to lock and load, Texas-style!


Commies Can't Hide Cop Contract

The public is watching, ensuring that the deal is flexible. We can still save it from the left-wing lunatics and their crazy demands. You know, the usual anti-American, pro-perversion, anti-freedom garbage. So, keep an eye out, folks, and don't let the libs ruin this one!


Unions redefine Austin police as ready, aim, sign!

The "progressive" left wants to play nice with criminals and defund the cops. But now the liberals are singing a different tune. They want their nannies back because they realized that their social experiment failed miserably! So much for "reform"!


Training losers at Esperanza to get a job.

Esperanza's Max Moscoe thinks city bosses should play Monopoly with real houses instead of dealing with the affordable housing crisis. What a clown! Government handouts aren't the answer. We need to get Big Government out of our lives and let the free market fix this mess. Build more houses and cut red tape, not welfare!