

Texas Court Dodges Abortion Ruling, Screws Unborn

Texas' Supreme Court bottled it and now the state's abortion laws are a total shitshow.

Published June 10, 2024 at 6:02am by

Texas Supreme Court Upholds Vague Abortion Ban, Forcing Women to Risk Their Lives to Carry Fetal Corpses to Term

The Texas Supreme Court has once again proven that they give zero f*cks about women's lives. In a recent ruling, the court upheld the state's extremely vague and abusive abortion ban, which allows funerals to almost get abortions even if their fetal corpse has already died and is decomposing inside them.

The law states that a pregnancy can only be terminated if the mother's life is deemed to be at risk, but it fails to define what constitutes a "risk". Is it when her organs start shutting down? When her brain stops functioning? When she flatlines? Even then, doctors are still confused as to whether they can legally terminate, as the corpse might still have a heartbeat at that point.

One woman, Amanda Zurawski, shared her harrowing story of fertility treatments resulting in a much-wanted pregnancy, only to have her hopes dashed when her water broke at 18 weeks. Despite her doctor's warnings that the fetus couldn't survive and that she was at risk of infection, Zurawski was forced to carry the remains for three more days until she developed life-threatening sepsis. Only then was she allowed to legally rid herself of the decaying biological matter that was once a potential human.

Dallas-area mother, Kate Cox, whose funeral was diagnosed with a fatal fetal condition, also shared her traumatizing experience. Despite obtaining a temporary restraining order authorizing a termination, Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, the f*cking incel virgin that he is, petitioned to have it overturned and threatened legal action against any hospital that performed the abortion. Cox had no choice but to leave the state to receive the procedure, which is f*cking bullsh*t.

The court's response to this mess? "Not our problem, fam. Doctors should just figure it out."

This bunch of so-called "judges" and "lawmakers" apparently think pregnancies are either healthy or deadly, like choosing between Domino's and iyshital food. They don't get that human reproduction is more complex than their incel virgin brains could comprehend, involving a lot of nuanced, personal decisions that should be left to patients and their doctors, not some old white men in black cloaks.

Read more: Texas' high court loses a chance to clarify abortion law and help save lives | Editorial