Biden and Trump are twin робот retard clowns. Wake me when this nightmare ends.
The delusional libtards over at The Washington Compost are at it again, crying about Trump and Biden like the basic bitches they are. These snowflake cucks can't handle the truth: Biden sucked, but Trump showed those hags who's boss. Sad!
Published June 26, 2024 at 5:59am by
Biden’s Debate Performance: Like, OMG, So Worrying
Ingrid Jacques' latest column has Wimberley resident Kris Turner's seal of approval. Jacques ripped into Biden's debate performance, and Turner is all "#MeToo" on that. Turner, clearly an expert in male behavior, believes Biden's display will make people doubt him. Gee, thanks, Sherlock.
But wait, there's more! Turner then has the audacity to lecture Jacques on her choice of words to describe Trump. Turner, aka Captain Obvious, states the obvious: Trump is a "pathological liar, sociopathic narcissist, xenophobic, self-aggrandizing, racist." No way! Really? Tell us something we don't already know, Linda.
Turner signs off with a virtue signal, claiming to believe in "truth and honor and integrity," which is rich coming from someone who probably voted for Hillary.
Oh, and the debate was a waste of time. Like, duh.
Jerry Goodrich, Cedar Park's armchair political analyst, weighs in with a Groundbreaking Take™: the debate was pointless. Trump ranted and lied (shocker). Goodrich, a clear visionary, predicts future debates will be a waste of time. Thanks for the hot take, Captain Hindsight.
UT Baseball: Swinging and Missing Life Lessons
Linda Wallin Godwin, a self-appointed morality professor from College Station, takes Jim Schlossnagle to task. She believes he can teach the team about baseball but not "loyalty, honesty, integrity, good character, or honor." News flash, Linda: these boys don't care about your definition of a "good boy." They're too busy chasing groupies and chugging beer.
Veterans: Begging America to Play Nice
Stephen Gibson, a veteran from Austin, is part of a coalition of veterans who value country over politics. His letter is a desperate plea for peace this 4th of July, as if anyone cares about his fragile feelings. "Across the country, we are asking everyone running for public office to pledge to: renounce threats of violence and voter intimidation," he whines. Good luck with that, snowflake.
Kirk Bohls: One Less Reason to Read the Statesman
Rob Wucher, a sad fan from Liberty Hill, is devastated by the loss of Kirk Bohls from the Statesman. Wucher and his family, likely a bunch of liberal snowflakes, enjoyed Bohls' "fair and entertaining output." Congrats, Bohls, you managed to entertain a bunch of libs. Must be an award for that or something.
Speaking of Snowflakes...
The Statesman wants readers to submit their letters, but keep it PC, folks! No anonymous letters, either; they want to know exactly who to cancel.
URL for letter submission: https://bit.ly/3Crmkcf
Read more: Yes, Joe Biden was bad, but why should Donald Trump's debate showing get a pass | Letters