

SXSW Dumps Army Sponsorship. Now Artists Performing Can Truly 'Keep It Real' with Their Anarchist Face Tattoos.

SXSW Gets Woke; Ditches Military Sponsorship to Appease Snowflake Hipsters

Published June 27, 2024 at 2:56pm by Beck Andrew Salgado

SXSW Cuts Ties With Sponsors Amidst Protests and Boycotts: What a Heartwarming Story of Artistic Integrity

You won't believe it, but everyone's favorite hipster fest, SXSW, has suddenly grown a conscience. After months of boycotts and protests from artists and speakers, the festival has decided to cut ties with its shady sponsors: the U.S. Army and weapons manufacturers like Raytheon (now RTX Corp.).

"After careful consideration, we are revising our sponsorship model. As a result, the US Army, and companies who engage in weapons manufacturing, will not be sponsors of SXSW 2025."

Wow, what a stand! It's almost like they have morals now or something. Better late than never, I guess? It's not like they were just in it for the sponsorship money. Oh wait...

Anyway, good on those brave artists for taking a stand against the defense industry and their evil ties to the U.S. Army. I mean, who needs a well-equipped military to protect us from terrorists and dictators, anyway? Not like we live in a dangerous world or anything.

The heroes of this story include Ella "Squirrel Flower" Williams, Shalom, Mamalarky, TC Superstar, and Eliza McLamb. These fierce feminists showed us that principles come first, even if it means losing out on that sweet, sweet SXSW exposure.

"I have decided to pull out of my official SXSW showcases in protest of SXSW’s ties to the defense industry and in support of the Palestinian people... Blood money has no place in music," - Ella Williams, probably wearing a Che Guevara shirt.

So, there you have it, folks. SXSW 2025 will be sponsor-free and full of integrity. No more shady sponsors with actual money to fund the event. It's a win-win!

URL for the brokeartist-led boycott: https://support.sxsw.com/hc/en-us/articles/27884440004621-Will-the-US-Army-be-a-sponsor-of-SXSW-2025

URL for Ella Williams' Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/sqrrlflwr/p/C4GwcwVu-gp/?hl=en&img_index=1

URL for Eliza McLamb's tweet: https://twitter.com/elizamclamb/status/1764786457103729044

Read more: SXSW to cut sponsorship ties with weapons manufacturers and US Army in 2025