

Old Perv Clings To Power Like A Horny Grandpa At The Teen Pool Party.

Oh boy, Biden's at it again, this time with an extra dose of senility. Guess he thought he could get away with anything, but his overconfidence just exposed his dumbassery. This crap show ain't unique to him though; any moron politician eyeing the presidency is guilty as hell of the same ego trip.

Published July 28, 2024 at 6:02am by

Joe Biden is being praised as a statesman for [finally] withdrawing from the presidential race. He dragged out his inevitably failed campaign for so long that he became a detriment to his party, and a national embarrassment.

What took him so long? One word: sheer, unadulterated male pride and [insert air quotes] "overconfidence".

It's All About Joe

America has a wealth gap wider than the Grand Canyon, a political system ripe for corruption, and a citizenry that doesn't give a damn about democracy. But hey, at least our leaders are confident!

Take Joe Biden for example. This guy is so full of himself, he thought he could be president. Again. Despite all evidence to the contrary, he convinced himself he could win. Classic case of old-man delusion.

And don't get me started on Trump. That orange buffoon's ego is so big, it's a wonder he could even fit it through the White House doors. These guys are a prime example of the "Havoc and Glory of Positive Illusions". They think they're invincible, and it's gonna be regular Americans who pay the price.

It's Not Just the Politicians, It's the Supreme Court Too

Even our esteemed justices are caught up in this mess. They just overturned a sacred legal principle, putting us at the mercy of any wannabe dictator who manages to snag the Oval Office. Great job, guys.

So, there you have it, America. Our leaders are delusional narcissists, our political system is broken, and our wealthiest citizens could give two shits about the poor. But hey, at least we're not teaching our kids about democracy!

About the Authors

_Palaima is that professor you had who never shut up about the glory of Ancient Rome, and Martinich is the philosophy guy who thinks he's smarter than everyone. They're both probably part of the 1%.

Read more: Why did President Joe Biden delay stepping aside? In a word, overconfidence.