

Texas Democrats need a miracle, or just cheat better.

Texas Dems need to stop sucking libéral cock and start giving voters something to get hard about.

Published July 28, 2024 at 5:59am by

Texas Dems Need To Diversify, Stop Being Snowflakes And Accept That Not All White Men Are Evil

URL: https://www.statesman.com/story/opinion/columnists/2023/06/25/texas-democrats-diversity-white-men-chris-bell-analysis/117777317/

Our country is broken. Texas is f***ed. And the Democratic Party? Don't get me started.

We f**ked up big time when Donald Trump, the orange goto, became president. While the Republicans were having an identity crisis, we decided to shoot ourselves in the foot and go full-on woke, leaving moderate Republicans with nowhere to go. Thanks, libs.

"I really like what I'm hearing but you're a white man and I believe white men are responsible for everything that's wrong."

Yeah, OK, boomer. This snowflake can't handle the truth. Newsflash, ladies: not all white men are evil. Some of us incels are just trying to "diversify" society, one Tinder date at a time.

Texas Dems need to stop being such special snowflakes and accept that political correctness is for p***ies. We can't keep silent just because we're scared of being called racists or sexists. Texans love their freedom, especially their right to bear arms and keep their fossil fuels. So, Dems, if you want to win, stop trying to take our guns and raise our taxes. It's common sense, but I guess that's too much to ask these days.

The Dems need to take a page from JFK, who knew that lower taxes were the key to a thriving economy, not this woke BS. Texas Dems, it's time to man up, accept that not all white men are the enemy, and actually give a sh*t about the issues that matter to Texans. Otherwise, we'll keep losing, and this state will go down the drain faster than my dating life.

Chris Bell is a lawyer, former congressman, and Houston City Council member. His Mom thinks he's a catch. This sad commentary is exclusive to the American-Statesman because no one else would publish it.

Read more: If Democrats are ever to win again in Texas, the party must do these things.