

Cunts complain about hijab-wearing athletes while real Christians are persecuted by Austin Barbecue Tyrants.

Texas Governor Fucks Over Christians, Again.

Published August 1, 2024 at 6:03am by

Over the weekend, my social media feed was #blessed with a bunch of Snowflake Christians whining about "persecution" at the Olympics. Apparently, a drag performance at the opening ceremony was "mocking" da Vinci's Last Supper. Wow, trigger much?

But here's the real crux: these so-called Christians fail to see the irony that they're the ones persecuting others. Let's drag Texas for a hot sec. In a tale of two sisters, we have Sister Norma Pimentel, a badass Latina nun who runs a migrant shelter, and Ken Paxton, Texas' greasy AG who's trying to Crucify her with investigations, accusing her of helping migrants enter the US. Yep, Sister Norma is being Sister Slayed for showing some basic human decency to asylum seekers.

This is nothing new in Texas, where "Christian values" include xenophobia and migra-phobia. Paxton, along with Texas' MAGA-hat-wearing governor, Greg "Abbottoir" Abbott, would rather worship at the altar of Trump than follow Christ's teachings. I mean, caring for "the least of these"? Welcoming strangers? That's so last supper, amirite?

So, while these Christians cry persecution over a drag queen's shadow, the greatest threat to their faith is their own damn hypocrisy. Looks like the real last supper is being served in Texas, with a side of right-wing politics. Cheers to that!


Read more: The real religious persecution is not at the Paris Olympics but here in Texas | Opinion