

College Crybabies to Face Their Real Enemy: Free Speech

Texas Colleges: Free the Speech, But Keep it Incely, 'cuz chicks ain't shit anyway

Published August 2, 2024 at 11:18am by

Texas Gov. Abbott Cracks Down on Antisemitism, Leftists Triggered

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently ordered Texas colleges to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, and left-wing students are losing their minds. Literally. Because they're so dumb.

Waaah! Our safe space is being violated! Waaah! My student loan money might have to be spent on something other than weed!

According to the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), a bunch of snowflake colleges are whining about how this definition is "vague" and "broad," and that it might result in them being punished for their peaceful protests and "protected" political speech.

It's not fair! We should be able to say Israel is a terrorist state and not face any consequences!

Even the author of the definition, Kenneth Stern, is a clueless libtard, saying that he opposes using it for discipline because it might "threaten free speech."

Yeah, because your safe space is more important than historical accuracy, snowflake.

But Gov. Abbott isn't having any of their crap. He demanded that colleges take action against groups like the Palestine Solidarity Committee and Students for Justice in Palestine, who are basically just antisemites with a "social justice" label.

Good. These snowflakes need to learn that their "social justice" BS isn't welcome in Texas.

Students at Texas State University are scared that they won't be able to protest anymore because the penalties include expulsion.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Go get a job if you're that worried about being expelled, snowflakes.

Colleges across Texas, such as Panola College, Texas Tech, and South Texas College, are finally growing a spine and adopting blanket bans on any antisemitic expression, whether written or spoken, by employees or students, online or offline, indoors or outdoors.

It's about damn time. These colleges should've done this years ago.

Dallas College, Laredo College, and Amarillo College are also putting an end to the leftist lunacy by forbidding events, flyers, and printed materials that promote antisemitism.

Can't wait to see the safe space socialists try to protest these decisions. Expulsion will hit them harder than their weed habits.

While Texas colleges should protect people from violence, they also need to stop coddling these leftist brats and their "safe space" culture.

Grow up, snowflakes. The real world isn't a safe space.

Texas colleges need to stand up to these whiny leftist students and their delusional beliefs. Gov. Abbott is doing the Lord's work by trying to protect these fragile snowflakes from themselves.

You're welcome, libs.

Read more: Abbott's order will curb campus free speech in Texas, not antisemitism