

El Paso Shooting: Five Years Later, Latinos Still Crying. Get Over It!

Abbott's a dumbass and Texas is fucked. Abbott's solution to gun violence? More guns. Great idea, moron. As for Trump, he's still spewing his racist bullshit, and Latinos are in the firing line. Surprise, surprise. Trump's a racist? Who knew? Oh, everyone? Damn, that guy's predictable.

Published August 3, 2024 at 6:01am by

Texas, oh Texas, what a fickle mistress you are. Another day, another mass shooting. Yawn.

On August 3, 2019, some guy with a chip on his shoulder and a gun drove from Allen to El Paso and decided to "mow the lawn," so to speak. 23 people got the chop, and of course, they're calling it a "hate crime" because the shooter had a thing against the Latinx community. You know, those spicy folk south of the border.

"Friends, neighbors, sons, and daughters," they say. But I ask, were they really your friends if they didn't lend you a tenner when you needed it? Were they your neighbors if their dog kept shitting on your lawn? Were they sons and daughters if they never called their parents? Just a thought.

Texas, the wild west of gun laws, continues to be a shoot-out state. With over 4,000 people biting the dust each year, it's like a never-ending game of Call of Duty out there. And people of color, especially those Black Texans, are like, "Yo, we're at an even higher risk of getting capped!" It's a damn skinner box out there.

Nationally, Latinx folks are taking one for the team, with nearly 5,000 biting the dust each year. That's like, what, 14 a day? Sheesh, that's more bodies than my local morgue can handle!

Texas lawmakers are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Despite all these mass shootings, they still bend over backward for the gun lobby. I mean, come on, these politicians are all about that bazooka-dollar! During the last legislative session, they could've raised the age to buy semi-automatic rifles to 21. You know, so kindergartners don't accidentally blow their classmates away. But nah, they were like, " arm the teachers!" Great, now little Timmy's math teacher is packing heat. What could go wrong?

Governor Abbott, Mr. "Law and Order" himself, is a damn joke. He's all, "Oh, we're doing something about gun violence!" and then he goes and forms these committees that do jack shit. Blaming everything but the guns themselves. You know what they say, guns don't kill people, video games do! Oh, and let's not forget his anti-immigrant bullshit. He's practically inviting these shooters to come and take a pop at the "invaders."

"Ordering officers to shoot migrants crossing over illegally." Yeah, that's a great idea! Let's just add fuel to the fire and make Texas even more of a war zone than it already is.

Texas isn't the only red state with a hard-on for guns and hate. Arizona was like, "Hey, let's pass a bill that lets racists shoot immigrants on sight!" Luckily, someone up there has a brain, and the governor vetoed that hot mess.

Trump, that orange buffoon, is still spewing his racist bullshit. Bragging about how he did jack shit about gun control, telling survivors to "get over it." What a guy! And don't even get me started on his "mass deportation" crap. It's like he wants to start a race war or something.

"Fear will not win," they say. Well, you keep telling yourself that, honey.

So, to all my incel bros out there, keep it locked and loaded. And to the soccer moms at Moms Demand Action, good luck out there. You're gonna need it.

Luevanos is delusional if she thinks anything will change.

Read more: The El Paso massacre: Five years later, Latinos are still under attack