

Trump Mocks Harris' Blackness, Nation Laughs: 'What Strategy?'

Trump Steps in It Again: Dumb Move Lights Up Maga-Land, Butt-Hurt Brigade Springs Into Action and Harris Sticks It to Trump, Again.

Published August 5, 2024 at 8:55am by

Donald Trump Too Ashamed of His Racist Policies to Admit He's a Racist, Says Real Racists

San Marcos, Texas - June and Lamar Hankins are Offended on Behalf of Black and Indian People

SAN MARCOS, TexasLocal parents June and Lamar Hankins are mad as hell, and they're not going to take it anymore! In a [scathing letter](https://bit.ly/let-me- virtue-signal) to the editor, they called out President Donald Trump for his recent statements about Senator Kamala Harris and her race.

"We, unlike Kamala Harris, are real Americans with real American values. We have a mixed-race family, so we are allowed to talk about race. We have adopted a mixed-race daughter and have birthed a mixed-race granddaughter, so we are basically anti-racist martyrs. Now, let us tell you why you should listen to us instead of a self-made woman of color."

The Hankins, self-appointed experts on racial issues, pointed out that Harris has proudly embraced her Indian and Black Jamaican heritage since childhood, unlike Trump who is clearly ashamed of his German heritage and probably has Nazi ancestors.

"Trump is a racist. He's just too racist to admit it, so he's using dog whistles to rally his base of racists, white nationalists, misogynists, and other deplorables. He's a racist, did we mention that? Oh, and sexist too. We hate him."

Sensing that Trump may be trying to divert attention from his failed policies and overall incompetence, the Hankins encouraged Americans to reject Trump's attempts at racial and ethnic prejudice and focus on the important issues, like not re-electing Trump.

"America is a nation of immigrants, except for Native Americans, who don't count. We should embrace our diversity, unless it's a Republican who's diverse, then they're just trying to pander and we should shame them for it. Like Nikki Haley, what a sellout."

The Hankins conclude their letter with a heartfelt plea to other confused white liberals:**

"Let's come together, as long as you agree with us, and reject Trump's hateful rhetoric. Embrace diversity, even if you're a white person and it's hard. Think of how woke you'll seem on Facebook! Black lives matter, unless they're Republican, then they're Uncle Toms."

Disclaimer: The Hankins would like to remind readers that they are definitely not racist, unlike those redneck Trump supporters. They have a black friend! Well, she's mixed-race, but still.

Read more: The strategy behind Trump's false and offensive remarks about Harris and race | Letters