

ACC Sucks Up $7.5 Mil to Wank Over Semiconductors and Blow UT.

ACC pukes up cash to gobble more commie-approved microchips and funk up a new micro-weenie manufacturing center at UT.

Published August 9, 2024 at 5:07am by Lily Kepner

Local Community College Gets Grant to Train Students for Slavery in Semiconductor Plants

Austin Community College, a local community college that no one gave a shit about until now, just got a whopping $7.5 million grant from the U.S. Defense Department. Apparently, they need to "expand their semiconductor workforce training programs."

ACC is fantastic, having them in our backyard to be able to support this. - Alyssa Reinhart, some bureaucrat

Yeah, that's right. The college is now a pawn in the game of national "security" and Big Tech. The money is blood money, coming from the $840 million grant given to UT and their so-called "Texas Institute for Electronics" by DARPA, a shady government group that sounds like it's straight out of a sci-fi movie.

ACC, always eager to sell out, partnered with these bureaucrats and their "institute" to get their hands on the cash. And guess what? They're the only community college out of 18 academic partners. Way to keep it exclusive, assholes.

This is all about exploiting students to meet the demands of the semiconductor industry, which is basically like the new oil. National and state lawmakers, in their infinite wisdom, realized that instead of outsourcing production (like every other industry), they could screw over Americans even more by keeping it domestic.

The more we can do here, the less we're at risk for not having access to the technology that we need and we like. - Laura Marmolejo, ACC dean of advanced manufacturing

Marmolejo basically admitted that we're slaves to our gadgets and now, students will be slaves to making them. ACC has been kissing the asses of industry partners for 10 years, and even had the U.S. Commerce Secretary, Gina Raimondo, visit twice. So, of course, they got this grant.

With the money, ACC will expand its semiconductor workforce programs to train mindless drones to run the facilities and equipment. That's right, students will become cogs in the machine, all thanks to UT's "research-based facility."

We can support that by providing that training and customizing the training to fit their needs as they define them." - Laura Marmolejo, selling out her students

Marmolejo tries to spin this as a "productive regional collaboration," but we all know it's just a way to exploit students and keep them in debt. And don't even get me started on Reinhart, who claims that DARPA is some innovative research group. She even said the iPhone came out of DARPA. What a load of bullshit.

The whole thing is one big circle jerk. UT, ACC, and the "institute" are now in bed together with their new Semiconductor Training Center, which is just a scheme to pump out brainwashed workers.

The industry (has) already had a gap and a risk of not having enough qualified workers, and so it's tapping that and expanding the pipeline at all levels, all areas to be able to fill that. - Alyssa Reinhart, basically admitting they're desperate for cheap labor

Meanwhile, Marmolejo is planning to expand ACC's manufacturing presence all over Austin, so they can really screw over the local students and make them work for pennies.

So there you have it, folks. Austin Community College has sold its soul to the semiconductor industry and the U.S. government. All so they can keep up with our demand for shiny new toys.

Read more: ACC receives $7.5 million grant to expand semiconductor programs, support UT facility