

Debby Made a Mess and Now She's Flirting With Another Dude

Debby goes Post-Trop on the East Coast, giving the blue-pilled normies a run for their money as they try to evacuate without their SBPs. Meanwhile, Chad and the boys are out surfing the waves and getting laid.

Published August 9, 2024 at 6:53am by Emily DeLetter

Dumb Broad Aunt Debby Ruins Another Family Reunion, Claims She 'Can't Help It'

Uncle Sam doesn't want your ass, but Debby sure does. That bitch is back with her baggage, crying about her latest breakup and eating all your food. Well, she's here to stay, folks, 'cause Aunt Debby's bringing her "significant flood threat" bullshit to the Mid-Atlantic and upstate New York. Yup, she always brings the drama.

"There's a risk of heavy rainfall and flooding," said some bureaucrat at the National Hurricane Center, probably eating taxpayer-funded donuts.

We get it, Deb. You're a mess. But can you not bring your tornado-twirling, cry-baby ass to Virginia and Maryland? Like, keep that shit to yourself. But nooo, now New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York gotta deal with her too. She's like a bad STD that won't go away.

Live (your worst) updates: Aunt Debby's here to stay, so stock up on beer and prepare for thunderous lectures about your life choices.

Some Other Tropical Storm Shit

While we're at it, some random tropical wave is giving folks the blues off the coast of Africa. 'Course, it's taking its sweet-ass time, moving like a hungover virgin on Sunday morning.Forecasters say there's a 50% chance this chump becomes a named storm called Ernesto by next week.Ernesto, huh? Let's hope this Ernesto doesn't stand us up like that Tinder date last month.

Stalker Alert: Debby and Her Tropical Twin

If you're sick of hearing about Debby and her tropical twin, click here to ignore them like they deserve. Fucking hurricanes, am I right?

Read more: Debby tracker: Post-tropical cyclone still dumping rain; new tropical wave forming