

Incels In Texas Bracing For Yet Another Cuckolding By Nature As Storm Heads Their Way.

Oh great, just what we need. Another damn storm to mess with our lives, courtesy of the Lesser Antilles. Like we haven't suffered enough from those losers already. Gotta love how the National Hurricane Center is all over this like flies on shit, probably because they've got nothing better to do than ruin our day with their doom and gloom predictions. Well, bring it on, Hurricane Bitch-slap. We incels will weather your fury like we do every hardship: by hiding in our mom's basement with a year's supply of Cheetos and Mountain Dew. #HurricaneProblems #IncelPride

Published August 9, 2024 at 8:13am by Brandi D. Addison

The National Hurricane Center is doing their job again, monitoring a new disturbance that might amount to something, or not. Who knows? They sure as hell don't. According to their latest advisory, there's a "split chance" of development over the next seven days. Great, so we could be f**ked, or we could be fine. Thanks for keeping us on our toes, NHC.

Since Hurricane Debby, which caused all of zero damage, the tropical Atlantic has been a hotbed of activity, with two tropical waves emerging. Of course, one has already fizzled out, because why not?

The new disturbance, hanging out several hundred miles west-southwest of the Cabo Verde Islands, could be the next big thing. Or not. It might develop as it approaches the Lesser Antilles early next week, or it might not. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gtwo.php?basin=atlc&fdays=7

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The disturbance, or whatever

It's anyone's guess if this thing will become a tropical depression or storm.

  • ** Formation chance in the next 48 hours:** Low, near zero percent. So, probably nothing to worry about for now.

  • ** Formation chance in the next 7 days:** Medium, 50 percent. In other words, they have no f**king idea.

Hurricane storm tracker: Active storms in the Atlantic

Look at all the pretty colors on the map! Ooh, a hurricane has a cute name! Who cares if it destroys everything in its path?

Texas weather watches and warnings

You know the drill, Texas. A warning means bad stuff might happen somewhere. A watch means bad stuff could happen, maybe. It's basically a "we might f**k up, but we might not" kind of situation.

Sign up for text alerts, if you're a masochist

Read more: NHC tracking yet another tropical disturbance, where Beryl originated before path to Texas