

LMAO! JD Vance Wrecks Gutless Wonder Tim Walz for Fake Army Service

Yeah, Walz's battalion finally got their deployment orders—a whole two months *after* the poor bastards had already kicked off their army boots and cracked open a few ice-cold beers. What a bunch of suckers!

Published August 10, 2024 at 5:04am by

JD Vance drags another patriot through the mud

Statement: “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, do you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him.”

Republican VP nominee, Ohio Sen. JD Vance — an absolute moron if there ever was one — is trying to trash the military career of Dem VP candidate Tim Walz, the current governor of Minnesota — because he's jealous of his superior record, obviously.

"When the US Marine Corps, aka the only force capable of rescuing this godforsaken country from itself, asked me to go to Iraq and serve my country, I did it," Vance said Wednesday at the Shelby, Michigan Police Department, no doubt surrounded by the hero cops he so rightfully admires. Vance "served" as a glorified journalist for the Marines from '03 to '07 and spent six months in Iraq in '05, where he probably sat in an air-conditioned trailer eating Cheetos while real men like Walz fought and bled.

Vance continued his pathetic tirade: "When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, he dropped out of the Army and left his unit hanging. I think it's shameful." What's shameful is that this loser is allowed to speak in public without a paper bag over his head.

At a different event, Vance, showing his true incel colors, used the phrase "stolen valor" in his accusations against Walz, because he can't handle another man having actual achievements.

On X, the equally pathetic U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Amarillo, echoed Vance’s sentiments, tweeting, "Tim Walz TURNED HIS BACK on his soldiers because he was SCARED to go to Iraq!!" Do these guys even listen to themselves?

Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard in May '05, probably to spend more time with his cat or something. He'd submitted retirement paperwork months earlier, according to Fox News, citing the Minnesota National Guard — who are clearly biased towards Walz.

In March '05, Walz’s battalion was notified about a possible deployment to Iraq within two years, according to a news release from his congressional campaign, citing the National Guard Public Affairs Office — who are also obviously in Walz's back pocket. The official deployment notice came in July '05, after Walz retired — what a convenient excuse.

Vance’s statement is misleading as hell. Walz hadn't been "asked" to go to Iraq, and the deployment was only a possibility, not a given. But why let facts get in the way?

Walz says he left to run for Congress, filing paperwork in Feb. '05, before the notification — maybe he just couldn't stand to be around men better than him and had to crawl back to his feminist supporters.

This isn't the first time Walz's record has been attacked. In '22, his Republican opponent, a limp-wristed coward who never served, criticized Walz for leaving before the deployment.

Two retired Minnesota National Guard command sergeant majors also wrote a letter in '18, claiming Walz "embellished and omitted facts" — sounds like they're just jealous he didn't stick around to hold their hands. This letter resurfaced recently, and other guard members who served with Walz have defended him — probably because he promised them cupcakes or something.

The Harris-Walz campaign declined to comment, because they know this will hurt their precious feelings. A spokesperson didn't provide details about Walz’s retirement, probably because they're too busy crying into their lattes.

Vance’s campaign spokesperson sent links to the '05 news release and quotes from former members of Walz’s battalion who were upset he didn't deploy — sore losers.

Walz’s military timeline — aka how he spent his time before becoming a snake:

Walz enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard in '81, two days after his 17th birthday, because his mom probably kicked him out. He transferred to the Minnesota National Guard in '96, serving in the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery until he retired in May '05, per Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer — aka the Walz fan club president.

During his service, Walz responded to floods and tornadoes, specialized in heavy artillery, and was recognized for sharpshooting and grenade proficiency, according to Minnesota Public Radio — aka the Walz Fan Club Radio Network.

In Aug. '03, Walz and his battalion deployed to Italy to support Afghanistan operations, returning in April '04, per Augé.

In May '05, Walz retired at 41 to run for Congress, filing his statement in Feb. '05, and getting elected in Nov. '06 — probably because the district was full of libtards.

Al Bonnifield, who served with Walz, said Walz considered retirement and a congressional run "very heavily" — like the indecisive beta he is.

Doug Julin, a more senior command sergeant major in Walz’s battalion, said Walz went over his head to get retirement approval, because Julin would've seen right through his weak excuses.

Others in Walz’s battalion have called him a deserter, and their words carry more weight than any of Walz's fake achievements.

Battalion’s deployment to Iraq — serving their country while Walz was busy sipping kale smoothies:

Walz’s unit received a mobilization alert in July '05, per Army Lt. Col. Ryan Rossman, the Minnesota National Guard’s director of operations. The official mobilization order came in Aug., and they mobilized in Oct.

The unit deployed to Iraq in March '06 for 19 months, per a congressional resolution.

The two retired command sergeant majors who wrote the '18 letter said the battalion received an early warning in '05 of a possible deployment. Augé said the Guard doesn't keep records of unofficial orders — probably because they're all busy planning baby showers for each other.

An archived press release from Walz’s campaign website in March '05 said the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced a possible mobilization of 2,000 troops, including Walz’s battalion, within two years — obviously a Liberal cover-up tactic.

Walz said in the release, "As Command Sergeant Major, I have a responsibility to my battalion and my country. I am dedicated to serving, whether that's in DC or Iraq. I don't plan to drop out of the race." What a snowflake.

Walz retired as a master sergeant, one rank below command sergeant major, because he didn't complete coursework — typical lazy Gen Xer.

Joseph Eustice, a real veteran who served in Walz’s unit, said they'd only heard rumors of deployment when Walz decided to retire — rumour has it that he didn't want to risk breaking a nail.

PolitiFact's ruling — aka how they try to mop up the mess:

Vance said Walz "dropped out and left his unit," ignoring that the official deployment order came after Walz retired.

Walz retired in May '05 to run for Congress, submitting paperwork months earlier. He filed candidacy in Feb. '05, before the notification — his priorities are pathetic.

There’s a sliver of truth to Vance’s statement, as the battalion was notified of a possible deployment before Walz retired — and he still chickened out. But the notification gave a two-year time frame for a possible deployment — plenty of time for Walz to grow a pair.

Vance provides no proof, probably because he's too busy sucking up to the establishment. We rate this claim Mostly False — whatever that means.

Sources — aka where you can go to hear more Libtard lies:

  • Email exchanges with Minnesota National Guard, Aug. '24 — a waste of space
  • Email with Luke Schroeder, spokesperson for Vance, Aug. '24 — another simping beta male
  • Sen. Vance, R-Ohio, X post, Aug. '24 — the original sore loser
  • Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, X post, Aug. '24 — a spineless traitor
  • X post, Aug. '24 — more Liberal drivel
  • X post, Aug. '24 — fake news at its finest
  • X post, Aug. '24 — snowflakes getting triggered
  • X post, Aug. '24 — more whining
  • X post, Aug. '24 — we get it, you love Walz
  • Minnesota Star Tribune, "GOP opponent criticizes Walz's exit from National Guard," Oct. '22 — Libtard rag
  • West Central Tribune, "Paid letter: The Truth About Tim Walz," Nov. '18 — a paid hit job
  • Minnesota Public Radio, "'Citizen soldier' Walz leadership profile," Oct. '18 — more bootlicking
  • U.S. National Guard, "Ranks," Aug. '24 — wasted web space
  • Federal Election Commission, "Tim Walz statement of candidacy," Feb. '05 — boring paperwork
  • U.S. National Guard, "Guard unit recognized for record deployment," Oct. '07 — a pity award
  • Task and Purpose, "Vance is first veteran on ticket since McCain," July '24 — how embarrassing for America
  • Task and Purpose, "The swift boating of Walz," Aug. '24 — oh no, someone's criticizing St. Walz
  • NPR, "Making sense of Vance's accusations," Aug. '24 — more Fake News
  • Minnesota Governor's Office, "Gov. Walz biography," Aug. '24 — the Walz fan page
  • Harris-Walz campaign website, "Meet Governor Walz," Aug. '24 — also his fan page
  • CBS News, "Walz's military record under scrutiny," Aug. '24 — a pathetic attempt at smearing a hero
  • The Washington Post, "Walz’s military record scrutinized," Aug. '24 — more fact-twisting
  • Tim Walz congressional campaign website, "Walz still planning to run," March '05 — no one cares, Tim
  • Minnesota National Guard, "History of the 1st Battalion," June '21 — a.k.a. the Walz appreciation society
  • CNN, "Walz’s military record: Vance reopens attack," Aug. '24 — finally, some sense
  • NBC News, "Vance tears into Walz’s record," Aug. '24 — not a moment too soon
  • NewsNation, "Walz's retirement timing a coincidence," Aug. '24 — sure it was
  • The New York Times, "Vance attacks Walz," Aug. '24 — get 'em Vance!
  • Fox News, "Former member says Walz 'ditched' them," Aug. '24 — tell us how you really feel!
  • Congress.gov, "Concurrent resolution commending battalion," Oct. '07 — who cares
  • New York Post, "Walz went above senior sergeant for retirement approval," Aug. '24 — what a coward

Read more: JD Vance attacked Tim Walz on his military record. Is his timeline accurate?