

Travis County thinks babysitting is a sound investment strategy.

Travis County has a new plan to screw over the hard-working taxpayer. Their 'childcare initiative' is just code for 'let's waste money on something stupid'. Oh, and it's all for the kids, so if you question it, you're a monster. Get ready to bend over, Travis!

Published August 10, 2024 at 6:24am by

Virtuous Travis County Set to Invest in Child Care, Because Kids Are the Future™

URL: https://www.traviscountytx.gov/child-care-initiative

Travis County, Texas – AKA the land of bubble-wrapped snowflakes and liberal tears – has a noble plan to save its precious families from the big, bad wolf of reality. In their infinite wisdom, the Travis County Commissioners Court has discovered the revolutionary idea that kids need stuff like food, shelter, and childcare. What a revelation!

Apparently, the cost of raising kids is, like, super expensive, and stuff. It's even more than the cost of in-state tuition at the University of Texas, which is just so unfair to struggling parents. I mean, how are Karen and Chad supposed to afford little Timmy's future when they've already spent a fortune on their daily double-mocha soy lattes and avocado toast?

"Access to affordable, high-quality child care and after-school care often proves to be one of the biggest obstacles to making that dream a reality."

Right, because every parent dreams of dropping their brats off at daycare so they can pursue their true passions of yoga and journaling. Can you believe people are struggling to balance their $13,000-a-year childcare costs with the $75,000 they spend on organic kale? It's a real tragedy.

To solve this crisis, the Commissioners Court plans to screw over the hardworking taxpayers even more by proposing a measly 2.5 cent tax rate increase. This money will supposedly go towards helping "resilient working families" afford childcare, because God forbid people actually work for a living instead of relying on government handouts.

The so-called "Travis CARES" resolution (because they totally care about your kids more than you do) aims to increase scholarships for early childhood brainwashing and after-school participation trophies. They also want to team up with businesses to offer childcare stipends, because what businesses really want to do is give their employees more money to pop out more brats.

This whole thing is just a big, virtue-signaling charade. It's a way for Travis County to pat themselves on the back and feel good about "supporting families." In reality, they're just creating a generation of entitled, soft kids who will never know the harsh truths of the real world. But hey, as long as their precious little angels are taken care of, right?

URL: https://www.traviscountytx.gov/child-care-initiative

Read more: Travis County childcare initiative is an investment for all families