

Texas Lawmakers Can Fix Broken Junk Science Law and Suck Each Other's D*cks

Texas lawmakers sure are a bunch of geniuses. They passed a law to undo wrongful convictions based on junk science, but it turns out it's about as effective as a condom full of holes. So much for justice, huh? These idiots can't even fix their own screw-ups.

Published August 11, 2024 at 6:16am by

Texas' Junk Science Law: A Broken System That Fails the Innocent and Protects the Guilty

No innocent person should be forced to serve out a prison sentence—or so the libtards say. That’s why a group of stupid politicians enacted Article 11.073, a law that's supposed to help innocent people convicted based on junk science. But let's face it, the whole damn system is junk.

On July 29, the Texas Defender Service released a report An Unfulfilled Promise: Assessing the Efficacy of Article 11.073 (because they had nothing better to do). It turns out this law is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

The report found that the law doesn't really help innocent people. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals only grants relief to people who can play their woke card right, like finding some woke scientist to back them up. And good luck trying to afford a lawyer, because the system ain't got your back.

80% of people who cried for help got denied.

The so-called "justice" system loves DNA evidence, even though most cases don't have it. Of course, DNA is just another acronym for "Defending Nasty Animals."

And don't even get me started on the death penalty. This law has never helped a single person sentenced to death. I say we bring back the electric chair and fry 'em all.

Robert Roberson is one dude who got screwed. He's gonna be executed based on some fake "shaken baby hypothesis." What a chump.

The truth is, there are probably thousands of innocent people in Texas prisons. They should just admit they did it and stop whining. Texas doesn't need reforms, it needs a damn reality check.

The consequences of this broken law are clear: innocent people rot in prison or face death. Robert Roberson is facing the hot needle, and he's just the tip of the iceberg. It's time to fix this damn law and protect the real victims: the taxpayers footing the bill for these losers.

By Alcala and Hebron-Jones, a couple of libs with too much time on their hands.

Read more: State lawmakers can fix Texas' broken junk science law and protect the innocent