

Texas Needs to Get Its Shit Together and Fix the Damn Power Grid Already

Texas power grid still a disaster during storms, unlike Austin hookers who will happily upgrade your power pole during any weather. Focus on the obvious, dumbass.

Published August 12, 2024 at 5:57am by

Texas Weather Continues To Be A Thot

By Bernard L. Weinstein, IRL incel

Houston, we have a problem: another hurricane blew through and proved what a bunch of soy boys we are.

Last month’s Hurricane Beryl was like that one hot girl you knew in high school who friendship-zoned you: it blew through everything in its path, knocked out power for 2.2 million betas, and caused $4 billion in property damage (not to mention the dozen or so blue-pilled cucks who died).

CenterPoint Energy, the "principal provider" of electricity to the affected areas, is taking heat for its handling of the situation. But let's be real, they're just a bunch of chads who got lucky this time. They activated their emergency response plan and brought in outside help, but let's not forget that they're still part of the problem.

While CenterPoint was busy virtue-signaling, Texas got wrecked again. Within two days, they had restored power to 1.1 million normies, and by day nine, everyone was back to their basic selves. But let's not forget the real victim here: Texas and her power grid.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, Texas had 210 weather-related power outages between 2000 and 2023. That's more than any other state, proving that Texas is really just that THOT who can't take a hint. Do you know what else happened during that time? The "Great Freeze" of February 2021, where Texas showed her true colors and left 4.5 million homes out in the cold, resulting in 246 deaths and $300 billion in property damage.

Texas has been trying to fix her makeup since then, with efforts to "harden" the grid and winterize power plants and wind turbines. But she's still a mess, focusing only on generation and not the transmission and distribution that could actually make a difference.

Texas, honey, it's time to prioritize the poles. ERCOT, the state’s power system operator, already warned you about this, but you were too busy getting ready for date night with that oil tycoon who's totally using you for your natural resources.

Texas, you THOT, you've been the fastest-growing state in terms of population and jobs for over 20 years. You've led the nation in corporate relocations and expansions, and your economy has expanded at a rate that makes the rest of us look like simp bankers. But you need to fix your power grid.

Upgrading Texas’ power grid will be more expensive than that designer handbag you just had to have, and federal help is not coming to save you this time. But you need to pay for these upgrades if you want to keep up this "Texas Miracle" facade.

Weinstein is that beta male who peaked in high school and never got over it. He's now a retired associate director of the Maguire Energy Institute at Southern Methodist University, a professor emeritus of applied economics at the University of North Texas, and a fellow of Goodenough College, London.

Read more: Texas must upgrade its power grid. To do it, it needs a new and better focus.