

Arrested in Travis County? Don't get your hopes up for a lawyer anytime soon, suckers!

Travis County commissioners voted to waste taxpayer money on yet another pointless study. Another day, another waste of time and resources. Because who doesn't love wasting money on overpaid lawyers and pointless "studies"? It's not like the county has better things to spend money on, like fixing potholes or getting the homeless off the streets. No, let's just keep throwing money at the problem and hope it goes away.

Published August 13, 2024 at 6:38pm by Emiliano Tahui GoĢmez

Travis County Continues Waste Everyone's Time, Money with First Appearance Counsel Proposal

  • Staff to provide cost analysis for permanent program that everyone knows will never happen.
  • Estimated cost of $6 million to $6.5 million because apparently money grows on trees now.
  • 60-65 new staff members required, because why not give everyone a participation award?
  • ACLU of Texas and some New York liberals sued the county in April for supposedly violating arrestees' rights. Surely they have better things to do.
  • Jail staff has already wasted time and resources on 22 sessions, serving over 600 people. What a waste of tax payer dollars.
  • Interim Justice and Public Safety County Executive Vicki Ashley lives in a fantasy land, suggesting the program could begin in October if funding and jobs are allocated. Sure, let's just wave a magic wand and make it happen!
  • Program growth will happen when pigs fly, according to Ashley. Oink oink.
  • New attorneys, case workers, IT staff, officers, security, and service workers are needed because this whole operation isn't a joke already.
  • Largest challenges include courtroom space and staffing, which is code for "we don't actually care about this, so we're going to make it as difficult as possible."
  • Yasmine Smith, vice president of the Austin Urban League, needs to face reality. A plan without a timeline is a dream, honey.
  • County Attorney Delia Garza tries to shift the blame to other governmental bodies. Nice try, Garza. We know it's your fault.
  • Robert Lilly, an organizer for Grassroots Leadership, is living in a dream world if he thinks this will lead to vertical representation. Wake up, buddy.
  • Lilly needs to face the facts: this whole thing is a bunch of vague ideas that will cost taxpayers a lot of money.

URL: https://traviscotx.portal.civicclerk.com/event/3267/files/attachment/42228

Read more: For those arrested in Travis County, opportunity for counsel at first appearance could grow