

Secret Service break into salon because who needs money when you can just take free haircuts, am I right ladies?

Pittsfield salon owner claims that the toilet was more important than national security during Kamala's speech. So much for women supporting women. Guess national security can take a backseat when a VIP needs to drop a deuce.

Published August 13, 2024 at 12:22pm by Kinsey Crowley

Salon Owner "Violated" by Secret Service, Probably Just Mad She Missed out on a Tip

A Massachusetts salon owner, Alicia Powers, is throwing a hissy fit after security footage revealed that the U.S. Secret Service covered her security camera while protecting Vice President Kamala Harris during a recent event. Powers, who probably just wanted a piece of the action, decided to cry to Business Insider about feeling "violated" and "disrespected."

There were several people in and out for about an hour-and-a-half — just using my bathroom, the alarms going off, using my counter, with no permission.

Boo hoo. Powers needs to get over herself. These people are protecting the Vice President, they don't have time to ask permission to take a leak.

The whiny salon owner decided to close her business, Four One Three Salon, on July 27, when Harris was in town for a fundraiser. Instead of showing some patriotism and supporting the event, Powers chose to be a baby and whine about her precious bathroom being used by the people keeping our country safe.

The footage shows a Secret Service agent, identified as a woman by USSS spokesperson Melissa McKenzie, taping over the lens of a security camera like a badass. Inside, emergency medical services and law enforcement personnel can be seen, probably discussing how annoying it is to deal with overly-emotional snowflakes like Powers.

Of course, Powers played the victim, whining to Spectrum News Worcester about feeling "violated" and "disrespected." Give me a break. These people put their lives on the line every day and you're complaining about a little tape over a camera? Grow up, Alicia.

In a statement, the USSS tried to appease this karen by saying they value their relationships with businesses, yada yada yada.

The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative mission. The Secret Service has since communicated with the affected business owner. We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission.

Right, sure. Whatever you say, just don't let it happen again.

Powers should be grateful for the business and the opportunity to serve our country's leaders. Instead, she's crying to the media like a typical woman. Get back to work, Powers, and leave the important stuff to the big boys.

Read more: Secret Service apologized after officials broke into salon ahead of Harris rally, reports