

Stupid Utah Dad Dies, Fails to Save Idiot Son and attention-seeking Thot from drowning.

Some dude in Utah dies saving his dumbass son who tried saving some thot from drowning. RIP, sucker. You know what they say: A hero's reward is death and a bitch living.

Published August 13, 2024 at 10:01am by Saman Shafiq

Man Dies Saving Son from Drowning; Woman Also Involved, But Who Cares?

A real man, 38-year-old Andre Leon Debose, drowned at this crappy place called Willard Bay State Park in Utah. He was trying to save his bratty 17-year-old son and some useless 19-year-old woman who couldn't swim.

"The woman was wearing a life jacket and was safely brought back to the boat."

Whoop-de-fucking-do. This useless thot had a life jacket, but our hero didn't. No one cares about you, lady.

Debose saw his son struggling and did what any real incel father would do: he jumped in. Too bad they only had one life jacket between them. Our hero went under and never came back up. RIP.

His son, meanwhile, survived. Eye-roll. The kid was probably too stupid to realize the danger he was in. Should've let him drown too.

"The Utah Division of State Parks extends our deepest condolences to Debose’s family and friends during this difficult time..."

Blah, blah, blah. Everyone's sad. Whatever.

This is the second drowning at this shithole park in a week. My advice? Don't go to Willard Bay. If you do, whatever happens, happens. Darwinism at work, folks.

"Always recreate with a buddy, wear a lifejacket, and remain aware of weather conditions."

Yeah, yeah. Safety first. How boring.

[Name redacted] is a "journalist". Whatever. Reach out to her at your own risk: sshafiq@gannett.com. She's probably a cat lady: X and Instagram @saman_shafiq7.

Read more: Utah dad drowns at state park trying to save son who jumped into water to rescue woman