

"Austin Cops Swear They're Not Hiding Their Shitstains From the DA"

So the Austin PD got their jimmies rustled over the Statesman's little hissy fit. They're all like "nuh-uh, that story was totally whack and stuff, our restrictions are just for us, we promise!" Riiight, sure thing, Captain. We believe you. Not like you're just backpedaling or anything.

Published August 14, 2024 at 5:08am by Skye Seipp

Corrupt Cops, Incompetent Prosecutors, and a Whole Lot of Bullshit

Austin Police: "No, We're Not Withholding Evidence, We Swear"

Austin, TX – The Austin Police Department (aka the APD, or as I like to call them, the "Austin Power Department") is backpedaling faster than a politician on a promise, claiming they don't restrict evidence from prosecutors after all. In their never-ending quest to cover their own asses, they admitted to restricting evidence but only from other department personnel. Because, you know, internal affairs and stuff.

It's important to clarify that the APD did not withhold evidence or violate state law.

Yeah, sure, tell that to the prosecutors and defense attorneys who somehow didn't have access to 21 body-worn camera videos from a murder scene. Maybe they should try checking under the rug next time.

The Statesman, in a rare moment of journalistic excellence, uncovered this little gem of a story, just in time for a pretrial hearing. Way to go, guys! Too bad the trial has been pushed back to October, thanks to this mess. Judge's orders.

The Blame Game

Scott Askew, an investigator lieutenant for the APD, stepped up to the plate to clarify (aka backpedal) on the matter. He claims an audit showed 19 of the 21 videos were sent to and received by the Travis County district attorney's office in 2021. But oopsie, the audit doesn't show what happened after that. "Not our problem!" says the APD.

If you have any need to know — the Office of Police Oversight, the DA's office — you will get access to those videos, regardless of their internal restricted category, as was done in this case.

So apparently, it's all just a big misunderstanding. Videos taken during interviews are automatically restricted, and these 21 videos were part of an internal affairs investigation. Nothing to see here, folks!

The DA's office, in a rare moment of competence, confirmed they only got access to the videos last Friday. As for the remaining two videos, the APD is blaming the body camera provider, Axon. Nice try, but we all know it's just another cover-up.

APD: Masters of Miscommunication

In a series of emails, the APD basically admitted to restricting body-worn camera footage, case reports, and lab reports. But oopsie daisy, they forgot to mention that these restrictions only apply internally! My bad!

The department responded that it “restricts some videos to protect the integrity of the case” and that its “‘least access’ practice” has been in place since 2020, when it began using the Axon system.

Basically, they're saying, "Trust us, we know what we're doing." But do they, though?

After the shit hit the fan in court, the APD decided to clarify (again) that these restrictions only apply internally. Askew, in his infinite wisdom, interpreted the question wrong and assumed it referred to people in the DA's office "who don't need to know."

Look, we don’t blast it out to the entire DA’s office,

No, you just withhold evidence and screw up trials. NBD.

Read more: Austin police says it doesn't 'restrict' evidence from DA, clarifies original statements