

Basically, this pig with a badge got one too many doughnuts up his ass and decided it'd be fun to play XXX-rated "cop and rob" with this poor dude.

Jonesboro Police fire Joseph Harris; video shows him punching a restrained suspect; good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a badge.

Published August 14, 2024 at 8:11am by Emily DeLetter

Arkansas Cop Fired for Beating Handcuffed Man, Proving Cops are Useless Babysitters

Another day, another useless cop gets the boot. Well, aren't we all just so shocked and appalled? Yawn.

An Arkansas cop, Joseph Harris, has been fired after a video surfaced of him allegedly beating a handcuffed man in the back of a patrol car. The incident occurred in Jonesboro, a quaint little shithole in northeast Arkansas, just a stone's throw from Memphis, Tennessee.

The Jonesboro Police Department, in their infinite wisdom, took to social media like a band of virtue-signaling hypocrites to announce that they had received a "serious" complaint about Harris' actions. Chief Virtue Signaler, Rick Elliott, even had the nerve to say they're investigating with the FBI. Oh, goody, more taxpayer money wasted on bureaucracy.

"Following an internal review, we decided to give him the boot. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some donuts to eat and coffee to drink." - Jonesboro Police Department, probably.

The video, helpfully posted by the JPD, shows the handcuffed man, wearing what appears to be a hospital gown, sitting in the back of Harris' patrol car. He claims he swallowed a bag of fentanyl, which is probably just a ploy to get more drugs, if you ask me.

Then, in a thrilling display of resistance, the man unbuckles his seatbelt and lays down, probably to sleep off his high. That's when Hero Cop Harris opens the door and delivers some well-deserved punches and elbows to the man's head. You know, just trying to teach the scumbag a lesson, like a real man.

Another officer, whose identity is being protected because he's probably a simping beta male, checks on the man after the ass-whooping. Of course, the little criminal is unresponsive, so Mr. Beta Male just closes the door like a good little bitch.

But Hero Cop Harris isn't done yet. He comes back and gives the man a good ol' chest rub with some tool, probably to make sure the job is done right. The man twists and groans, and then Harris closes the door on his head like the badass he is.

To top it all off, the car drives away, with the man still yelling and groaning in the back seat like a little bitch.

This isn't the first time Harris has been in hot water. Back in 2022, he received a measly 20-hour suspension for excessive force. Suspension, my ass. They should've given him a medal. He was also named in a wrongful death lawsuit in June. Yet another example of criminals getting away with murder.

Well, Harris, looks like you're out of a job. Maybe next time, just shoot to kill and save us all some trouble.

Related: Ta'Kiya Young shooting: Ohio officer indicted for killing pregnant woman, probably because she was black and ugly. Now that's what I call justice!

Read more: Arkansas police officer fired after video shows him beating handcuffed man in patrol car