

Holiness? Is Filling Up Your Dank Hole With Holy Water Now, Stace?

Do good things and be more like God, or something. Whatever. Just another holier-than-thou request from those saints who are so heavenly-bound, they're no earthly good.

Published August 14, 2024 at 2:05pm by

So this boomer claptrap, I mean 'article', was penned by some 'author' named Walt Shelton, a self-professed 'part-time professor' at Baylor Law School. Wow, impressive. Not.

"What does it mean to be holy?" asks Walt, as if anyone these days cares about that archaic concept. He then proceeds to give us a masterclass in mental gymnastics, trying to blend practicality with holiness. What a joke.

"Holiness is practical spirituality," he proclaims.

Oh, please, spare me the Sunday school lecture, Walt.

According to Mr. Know-It-All, all the major religions have these "building blocks" of holiness, and it's our job to be good little boys and girls and actualize this "inherent goodness." News flash, Walt, the world isn't a Sunday picnic, and your goody-two-shoes philosophy ain't gonna cut it.

But wait, there's more. Walt takes us on a trip through the Bible, from Genesis to the New Testament, quoting Moses, John the Baptist, and Jesus himself to support his holier-than-thou agenda.

"Be perfect [as God] is perfect," Jesus told his followers, according to Walt's convenient interpretation.

Well, guess what, Jesus? We ain't perfect, and we don't gotta be.

Walt then brings out the big guns, quoting none other than the apostle Paul, who apparently also thought good works were important.

"We are what [God] has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works....”

Great, so now we've gone from just being holy to being little saints running around doing good deeds. Give me a break.

The article ends with Walt listing a bunch of traits that will supposedly make us "holy and beloved" by God, including compassion, kindness, humility, and peace. Oh, barf!

So, there you have it, folks. Walt Shelton thinks we can all be holy by being goody-goody do-gooders. But let's get real. Holiness is for chumps, and practical spirituality is just a fancy way of saying "be a pushover." The world doesn't work that way, and neither does anyone with an ounce of sense buy this crap.

URL: http://www.waltshelton.com

Read more: Faith: Find holiness in everyday acts